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FHWA Safety: First graphic from left courtesy of ( Burden)

Preliminary Economic Impacts of Implementing Minimum Levels of Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity

Publication No. FHWA-SA-08-010

Appendix B: Economic Analysis Spreadsheet

The following pages present the individual worksheets of the analysis spreadsheet tool. The worksheets shown are those for the base retroreflectivity and base cost associated with the thermoplastic combination scenario.

Table S-1. Functional System Inventory.
Rural (US totals) Length (mi) % of total
Interstate 32,048 1.1%
Principal arterial 97,038 3.2%
Minor arterial 135,596 4.5%
Major collector 424,288 14.0%
Minor collector 267,524 8.8%
Local 2,076,644 68.5%
Total 3,033,138 100%
Urban (US totals) Length (mi) % of total
Interstate 14,460 1.5%
Other fwy & expwy 9,870 1.0%
Principal arterial 56,870 6.0%
Minor arterial 93,888 10.0%
Collector 97,114 10.3%
Local 668,767 71.1%
Total 940,969 100%

Highway Statistics 2003, Table HM-20

Table S-2. Functional System Ownership Matrix.
Rural (US totals, mi) Federal State County City Other Total % of class
Interstate empty cell 30,608 empty cell empty cell 1,439 32,047 100%
Principal arterial 135 96,095 323 84 397 97,034 100%
Minor arterial 1,376 128,416 5,239 480 87 135,598 100%
Major collector 4,647 192,078 216,137 9,526 1,906 424,294 100%
Minor collector 8,088 65,528 179,608 12,177 2,120 267,521 100%
Local 105,966 139,802 1,222,477 558,564 49,843 2,076,652 100%
Total 120,212 652,527 1,623,784 580,831 55,792 3,033,146 100%
Rural (US, % of row total) Federal State County City Other Total
Interstate 0.0% 95.5% 0.0% 0.0% 4.5% 100.0%
Principal arterial 0.1% 99.0% 0.3% 0.1% 0.4% 100.0%
Minor arterial 1.0% 94.7% 3.9% 0.4% 0.1% 100.0%
Major collector 1.1% 45.3% 50.9% 2.2% 0.4% 100.0%
Minor collector 3.0% 24.5% 67.1% 4.6% 0.8% 100.0%
Local 5.1% 6.7% 58.9% 26.9% 2.4% 100.0%
Urban (US totals, mi) Federal State County City Other Total % of class
Interstate empty cell 13,387 empty cell empty cell 1,075 14,462 100%
Other fwy & expwy 58 8,951 100 261 498 9,868 100%
Principal arterial 93 38,612 3,817 14,100 252 56,874 100%
Minor arterial 206 26,171 19,269 47,794 451 93,891 100%
Collector 102 14,083 21,094 61,460 377 97,116 100%
Local 3,101 18,832 112,314 523,832 10,690 668,769 100%
Total 3,560 120,036 156,594 647,447 13,343 940,980 100%
Urban (US, % of row total) Federal State County City Other Total
Interstate 0.0% 92.6% 0.0% 0.0% 7.4% 100.0%
Other fwy & expwy 0.6% 90.7% 1.0% 2.6% 5.0% 100.0%
Principal arterial 0.2% 67.9% 6.7% 24.8% 0.4% 100.0%
Minor arterial 0.2% 27.9% 20.5% 50.9% 0.5% 100.0%
Collector 0.1% 14.5% 21.7% 63.3% 0.4% 100.0%
Local 0.5% 2.8% 16.8% 78.3% 1.6% 100.0%

Highway Statistics 2003, Table HM-50

Table S-3. Rural Highway Laneage Parameters.
Rural (US totals) Width Avg. lane count Length (mi) % of class
Interstate 4 lanes 4 29,142 91.2%
> 4 lanes 6 1,768 5.5%
Other 2 1,035 3.2%
Total empty cell 31,945 100%
Principal arterial 2 lanes 2 68,199 70.3%
≥ 4 lanes 4 23,801 24.5%
Other 3 4,984 5.1%
Total empty cell 96,984 100%
Minor arterial 2 lanes 2 128,314 94.6%
≥ 4 lanes 4 4,159 3.1%
Other 3 3,117 2.3%
Total empty cell 135,590 100%
Major collector 2 lanes 2 420,685 99.2%
≥ 4 lanes 4 1,651 0.4%
Other 3 1,919 0.5%
Total empty cell 424,255 100%
Minor collector* 2 lanes 2 267,524 100%
Local* 2 lanes 2 2,076,644 100%

Highway Statistics 2003, Table HM-55
*: Width of 2 lanes is assumed for all roads in this class

Table S-4. Rural Two-Lane Highway Passing Parameters.
Roadway class Passing on 2-lane section
None 1 direction 2 directions Total
Principal arterial 25% 50% 25% 100%
Minor arterial 25% 50% 25% 100%

Table S-5. Rural Three-Lane Highway Passing Parameters.
Roadway class Passing on 3-lane section
None 1 direction Total
Principal arterial 25% 75% 100%
Minor arterial 25% 75% 100%

Table S-6. Urban Highway Laneage Parameters.
Urban (US totals) Width Avg. lane count Length (mi) % of class
Interstate 4 lanes 4 6,766 47.4%
> 4 lanes 7 7,465 52.3%
Other 2 56 0.4%
Total empty cell 14,287 99%
Other fwy & expwy 2 lanes 2 376 3.8%
≥ 4 lanes 7 9,193 93.8%
Other 3 236 2.4%
Total empty cell 9,805 99%
Principal arterial 2 lanes 2 19,165 33.8%
≥ 4 lanes 5 21,564 38.1%
Other 3 15,903 28.1%
Total empty cell 56,632 100%
Minor arterial 2 lanes 2 65,717 70.2%
≥ 4 lanes 4 11,403 12.2%
Other 3 16,460 17.6%
Total empty cell 93,580 100%
Collector 2 lanes 2 88,175 91.3%
≥ 4 lanes 4 2,607 2.7%
Other 3 5,790 6.0%
Total empty cell 96,572 99%
Local* 2 lanes 2 668,767 100%

Highway Statistics 2003, Table HM-55
*: Width of 2 lanes is assumed for all roads in this class

Table S-7. Urban Two-Lane Highway Passing Parameters.
Roadway class Passing on 2-lane section
None 1 direction 2 directions Total
Minor arterial 25% 50% 25% 100%

Table S-8. Urban Three-Lane Highway Passing Parameters.
Roadway class Passing on 3-lane section
None 1 direction Total
Minor arterial 25% 75% 100%

Intermediate calculations
Rural stripe mi/road mi mi-%
Yellow White Yellow White
Interstate 2.00 2.50 1.8245 2.2806
2.00 3.00 0.1107 0.1660
2.00 2.00 0.0648 0.0648
empty cell empty cell 2.0000 2.5115
Principal arterial 1.19 2.00 0.8350 1.4064
2.00 2.50 0.4908 0.6135
1.44 2.25 0.0739 0.1156
empty cell empty cell 1.3997 2.1356
Minor arterial 1.19 0.00 1.1238 0.0000
2.00 0.50 0.0613 0.0153
1.44 0.25 0.0330 0.0057
empty cell empty cell 1.2182 0.0211
Major collector 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000
2.00 0.50 0.0078 0.0019
2.00 0.25 0.0090 0.0011
empty cell empty cell 0.0168 0.0031

Urban stripe mi/road mi mi-%
Yellow White Yellow White
Interstate 2.00 2.50 0.9472 1.1839
2.00 3.25 1.0450 1.6981
2.00 2.00 0.0078 0.0078
empty cell empty cell 2.0000 2.8899
Other fwy & expwy 2.00 2.00 0.0767 0.0767
2.00 3.25 1.8752 3.0471
2.00 2.25 0.0481 0.0542
empty cell empty cell 2.0000 3.1780
Principal arterial 2.00 2.00 0.6768 0.6768
2.50 2.50 0.9519 0.9519
2.50 2.00 0.7020 0.5616
empty cell empty cell 2.3308 2.1904
Minor arterial 1.19 2.00 0.8339 1.4045
2.00 2.50 0.2437 0.3046
1.44 2.25 0.2528 0.3958
empty cell empty cell 1.3305 2.1049
Collector 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000
2.00 0.50 0.0540 0.0135
2.00 0.25 0.1199 0.0150
empty cell empty cell 0.1739 0.0285

Table S-9. Pavement Marking Material Costs.
Material Code Cost ($/linear ft) for jurisdiction *
Federal State County City
Epoxy EPX $0.30 $0.30 $0.60 $0.60
Methyl Methacrylate MMA $1.25 $1.25 empty cell empty cell
Methyl Methacrylate (profiled) MMP empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell
Polyester PLY empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell
Tape (profiled) TPP $2.75 $2.75 $3.00 $3.00
Thermoplastic THM $0.35 $0.35 $0.50 $0.50
Thermoplastic (profiled) THP empty cell empty cell empty cell empty cell
Waterborne Paint WBP $0.06 $0.06 $0.15 $0.15

NCHRP Synthesis 306, Table 39
*: Federal costs assumed to be same as state costs

Table S-10. White Pavement Marking Material Service Life.
Code Typical
Service Life (mo) for RLmin
30 35 70 85 100 125 150
Epoxy EPX 36 51.9 47.8 27.5 23.7 23.2 18.3 12.8
Methyl Methacrylate MMA 36 50.2 47.8 33.5 28.1 22.9 17.7 11.9
Methyl Methacrylate (profiled) MMP 36 155.3 148.1 103.4 85.9 68.8 40.8 14
Polyester PLY 36 101 97.6 74.3 64.2 54.2 37.5 20.8
Tape (profiled) TPP 36 68.2 63.3 40.9 34.5 29 21.3 19.6
Thermoplastic THM 36 60.7 58.3 44.8 39.9 35.2 27.6 22.6
Thermoplastic (profiled) THP 36 52.6 50.7 39.8 35.5 31.5 24.8 18.4
Waterborne Paint WBP 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10.4
Non-freeway ≥ 45 mph
Code Typical
Service Life (mo) for RLmin
30 35 70 85 100 125 150
Epoxy EPX 36 71 68 51 44.7 38.8 29.3 20.3
Methyl Methacrylate MMA 36 68.1 63.1 40.8 34.5 29.3 21.9 16.2
Methyl Methacrylate (profiled) MMP 36 48.4 47.4 40.6 37.7 34.8 30 25
Polyester PLY 36 60.8 57.1 38.5 32.6 27.4 17.2 12.6
Tape (profiled) TPP 36 62.2 59.2 45.1 40.9 37.3 32.4 27.7
Thermoplastic THM 36 58.9 56.4 43.9 40 36.6 32 26.9
Thermoplastic (profiled) THP 36 41.7 39.8 30.5 27.5 24.9 20.8 17.3
Waterborne Paint * WBP 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10.4
Non-freeway ≤ 40 mph
Code Typical
Service Life (mo) for RLmin
30 35 70 85 100 125 150
Epoxy EPX 36 69.1 65.3 45.9 39.4 33.6 24.6 16.5
Methyl Methacrylate ** MMA 36 68.1 63.1 40.8 34.5 29.3 21.9 16.2
Methyl Methacrylate (profiled) ** MMP 36 48.4 47.4 40.6 37.7 34.8 30 25
Polyester ** PLY 36 60.8 57.1 38.5 32.6 27.4 17.2 12.6
Tape (profiled) TPP 36 32 31.6 28.3 26.9 25.5 23.2 20.9
Thermoplastic ** THM 36 58.9 56.4 43.9 40 36.6 32 26.9
Thermoplastic (profiled) THP 36 67.2 66.1 58.8 55.7 52.5 47.2 42
Waterborne Paint * WBP 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10.4

Migletz, Evaluation of All-Weather Pavement Markings, October 2000
*: Assumed to be same as freeway values
**: Assumed to be same as non-freeway ≥ 45 mph values

Table S-11. Yellow Pavement Marking Material Service Life.
Code Typical
Service Life (mo) for RLmin
30 45 55 65 70 85 100 125
Epoxy EPX 36 63.6 50.3 41.7 33.7 33.9 24.5 23.2 12.8
Methyl Methacrylate MMA 36 34.4 30.2 27.4 24.5 22.9 20 15.6 8.3
Methyl Methacrylate (profiled) MMP 36 47.3 40.5 36.2 32.5 30.7 25.8 21.1 13.7
Polyester PLY 36 68.1 62 57.9 53.9 51.9 45.9 39.7 29.6
Tape (profiled) TPP 36 59.7 49.7 43.6 38.9 36.7 30.6 25.8 18.2
Thermoplastic THM 36 82.3 68 58.6 49.4 44.8 35.5 24.7 15
Thermoplastic (profiled) THP 36 52.6 45.8 41.3 37.2 35.2 29.1 23.5 14.1
Waterborne Paint * WBP 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Non-freeway ≥ 45 mph
Code Typical
Service Life (mo) for RLmin
30 45 55 65 70 85 100 125
Epoxy EPX 36 60.6 53.1 48.4 44.1 42.1 36.6 30.6 21.9
Methyl Methacrylate MMA 36 45.6 33.3 25.9 20.5 18.1 12 6.5 4.6
Methyl Methacrylate (profiled) MMP 36 41.4 36.9 33.9 31 29.5 25.1 20.5 13.1
Polyester PLY 36 61 55.4 51.7 47.9 46.1 40.3 34.9 25.4
Tape (profiled) TPP 36 43 41.3 40.1 38.9 38.4 36.6 34.9 32
Thermoplastic THM 36 52.7 43.7 38.2 33.8 31.8 26.3 21.5 15***
Thermoplastic (profiled) THP 36 30.7 27.2 25 23 22.1 19.2 16 14.4
Waterborne Paint * WBP 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Non-freeway ≤ 40 mph
Code Typical
Service Life (mo) for RLmin
30 45 55 65 70 85 100 125
Epoxy EPX 36 61.7 50.7 43.9 38.4 35.9 28.9 22.4 12.8
Methyl Methacrylate ** MMA 36 45.6 33.3 25.9 20.5 18.1 12 6.5 empty cell
Methyl Methacrylate (profiled) ** MMP 36 41.4 36.9 33.9 31 29.5 25.1 20.5 13.1
Polyester ** PLY 36 61 55.4 51.7 47.9 46.1 40.3 34.9 25.4
Tape (profiled) TPP 36 21.5 20.4 19.6 18.9 18.5 17.4 16.2 14.4
Thermoplastic ** THM 36 52.7 43.7 38.2 33.8 31.8 26.3 21.5 15
Thermoplastic (profiled) THP 36 64.7 56.3 50.7 45.2 42.4 34 25.7 11.7
Waterborne Paint * WBP 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Migletz, Evaluation of All-Weather Pavement Markings, October 2000
*: Assumed to be "typical practice" life of 12 mo
**: Assumed to be same as non-freeway ≥ 45 mph values
***: Value for RLmin=125 assumed to be same as for freeway

Table S-12. Rural Summary.
Jurisdiction Status Quo Alternative 1 Alternative 2
Cost ($/yr) Cost ($/yr) Impact ($/yr) % Change Cost ($/yr) Impact ($/yr) % Change
Federal $1,104,331 $1,263,007 $158,676 14% $1,448,578 $344,247 31%
State $355,479,585 $454,843,648 $99,364,063 28% $672,192,929 $316,713,344 89%
County $9,829,953 $10,509,824 $679,871 7% $10,981,382 $1,151,429 12%
City $906,188 $1,020,660 $114,472 13% $1,143,294 $237,107 26%
Total $367,320,057 $467,637,139 $100,317,082 27% $685,766,184 $318,446,126 87%
State/Local $366,215,726 $466,374,133 $100,158,406 27% $684,317,606 $318,101,880 87%

Table S-13. Urban Summary.
Jurisdiction Status Quo Alternative 1 Alternative 2
Cost ($/yr) Cost ($/yr) Impact ($/yr) % Change Cost ($/yr) Impact ($/yr) % Change
Federal $835,620 $962,784 $127,164 15% $1,320,729 $485,109 58%
State $237,006,978 $289,040,938 $52,033,960 22% $434,377,824 $197,370,846 83%
County $73,824,656 $72,137,266 -$1,687,389 -2% $79,808,100 $5,983,444 8%
City $202,172,645 $198,579,167 -$3,593,477 -2% $226,654,358 $24,481,713 12%
Total $513,839,898 $560,720,155 $46,880,257 9% $742,161,011 $228,321,113 44%
State/Local $513,004,278 $559,757,372 $46,753,094 9% $740,840,282 $227,836,004 44%

Table S-14. Rural and Urban Summary.
Jurisdiction Status Quo Alternative 1 Alternative 2
Cost ($/yr) Cost ($/yr) Impact ($/yr) % Change Cost ($/yr) Impact ($/yr) % Change
Federal $1,939,951 $2,225,791 $285,840 15% $2,769,306 $829,355 43%
State $592,486,563 $743,884,586 $151,398,023 26% $1,106,570,753 $514,084,190 87%
County $83,654,609 $82,647,091 -$1,007,519 -1% $90,789,483 $7,134,873 9%
City $203,078,832 $199,599,827 -$3,479,005 -2% $227,797,652 $24,718,820 12%
Total $881,159,955 $1,028,357,295 $147,197,339 17% $1,427,927,194 $546,767,239 62%
State/Local $879,220,004 $1,026,131,504 $146,911,500 17% $1,425,157,888 $545,937,883 62%

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