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Organization Chart Theodore S. Haddad - Chief Acquisition Officer

Photo of Chief Acquisition Officer Ted Haddad

Ted Haddad was named Chief Acquisition Officer effective June 22, 2008.

As Chief Acquisition Officer, he is responsible for managing a broad range of acquisition activities, including:  compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies; fostering full and open competition for contract awards; development of the civilian agency acquisition workforce, and accountability for acquisition decision making.  The Chief Acquisition Officer is a member of the Civilian Acquisition Advisory Committee, the FAR Council, and the Council of Acquisition Officers.

Mr. Haddad is a member of the Senior Executive Service who has served in GSA’s Office of the Chief Acquisition Officer since 2007 as Senior Advisor.  Prior to joining GSA, Mr. Haddad held senior positions in the private and public sectors.  He was president of his own company, Nugget Consulting, vice president -- Public Sector for Asynchrony Solutions, senior vice president -- Federal Operations for CCD Online Systems, Inc., and marketing executive at IBM Federal Systems.  He has also served as an acquisition executive for the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, where he provided oversight for the acquisition of all Air Force IT systems in the early 1990’s.  He also served as an officer in the U.S. Air Force.

Mr. Haddad received a bachelor of arts degree in mathematics from the University of Connecticut.