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Organization Chart Leslie L. Plomondon - Regional Administrator, Rocky Mountain Region

Photo of Leslie Plomondon, Region 8 Administrator

Leslie Plomondon was appointed by President George Bush as Regional Administrator of the Rocky Mountain effective June 11, 2007.

As Regional Administrator, Ms. Plomondon is responsible for managing federal real estate, property, and technology for Colorado, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, and North and South Dakota.

Prior to her work at GSA, Ms. Plomondon was appointed by Governor Owens in 1999, and served as the Director of Asia, Africa and Middle East for the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade.  She was responsible for promoting Colorado exports to these regions as well as fostering diplomatic relations. 

Before joining the Governor Owens’ Office, Ms. Plomondon worked in the private sector for Hughes Communications, Inc. in Los Angeles, California.  There she was a member of the Asian team, participating in business development efforts for the launching of a global satellite system called SPACEWAY.

From 1988-89, Leslie worked in central China as a foreign teacher for Princeton University.  She learned to speak Mandarin Chinese and went on to study the written language at Beijing University.

Ms. Plomondon holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Rutgers University and a master’s degree in international management from The American Graduate School of International Management, more commonly known as Thunderbird.  She is a Presidential Scholar, recipient of the Women’s Leader of Excellence Award, and is listed in Who’s Who of Young Americans.

Leslie currently resides in Centennial, Colorado.



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