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Organization Chart Barbara L. Shelton - Regional Administrator, Mid-Atlantic Region

Photo of R3 Administrator Barbara L. Shelton

Barbara L. Shelton returned to her position as Regional Administrator for GSA’s Mid-Atlantic Region on December 21, 2005, a position she has held since January, 2002. 

As Regional Administrator, Shelton is responsible for overseeing federal real estate, property, and technology for Southern New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, West Virginia, Maryland, and Virginia, with the exception of those counties surrounding Washington, DC.

In February 2005, Ms. Shelton began a detail assignment in Washington, DC, where she served as the first Acting Commissioner of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS). She led the design of the new Service, while also serving as Acting Commissioner of the Federal Technology Service (FTS) and Acting Commissioner of the Federal Supply Service (FSS).

Before joining GSA, she served as deputy secretary for administration in Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor & Industry from January 2000 to December 2001. Prior to that, she was deputy secretary for procurement in the state’s Department of General Services from March 1996 through December 1999.

Shelton gained thirteen years of private-industry experience in her chosen field of information technology with PPG Industries in Pittsburgh and Philip Morris, Inc. in Richmond, Virginia and New York City.

Ms. Barbara Shelton holds a bachelor of science in industrial engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and a master of business administration from Columbia University.


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