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Organization Chart Peter G. Stamison - Regional Administrator, Pacific Rim Region

Photo of Peter G. Stamison Region 9 Administrator

On November 27, 2001, Peter G. Stamison of Glendale, California, was sworn-in as the eighth Pacific Rim Regional Administrator by Stephen A. Perry, Administrator of GSA from 2001 to 2005.

Previously, Stamison served as director of the Department of General Services for the State of California, the state equivalent of GSA. His career also includes posts as a vice president of marketing/business and customer development with a Lockheed firm and as president and chief executive officer of Business Information Transmission Systems. Prior to 1985, he was vice president and co-founder of TMC of Southern California.

Stamison earned a bachelor of science in business administration from Northwestern University, Kellogg School, in 1964.

Peter Stamison and his wife have four adult children.


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