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1 CR831276

- Main center abstract - Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center Ho, Tho C.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University December 2003 -
August 2007  
2 R822721C653

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
New Electrochemically Smart Catalysts for Hazardous Waste Management and Development of Capillary Electrophoresis for Analysis of their Products Cocke, David L

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 1997 -
August 2000  
3 R822721C697

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Fundamental and Kinetic Investigation of Sorbent Technology for Optimum Mercury Emission Control Ho, Tho C.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 1999 -
August 2000  
4 R826694C697

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Fundamental and Kinetic Investigation of Sorbent Technology for Optimum Mercury Emission Control Ho, Tho C.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
5 R826694C734

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
An Advanced System for Pollution Prevention in Chemical Complexes Pike, Ralph W.
Hopper, Jack R.
Yaws, Carl L.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Louisiana State University,Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
6 R828598C001

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Field Study Abstract: A Model of Ambient Air Pollution in Southeast Texas Using Artificial Neural Network Technology Riddle, Anita L.
Hopper, Jack R.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
7 R828598C021

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
The Binding Chemistry and Leaching Mechanisms of Advanced Solidification/Stabilization Systems for Hazardous Waste Management Cocke, David L

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
8 R828598C022

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Development of an Air-Stripping and UV/H2O2 Oxidation Integrated Process To Treat a Chloro-Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Ground Water Li, Ku-Yen

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
9 R828598C023

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
A Comparative Study of Siting Opposition in Two Counties Wright, Stuart A.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
10 R828598C035

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Measurement of Oxygen Transfer Rate in Soil Matrices Li, Ku-Yen

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
11 R828598C036

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Sorbent Technology for Multipollutant Control During Fluidized Bed Incineration Ho, Tho C.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
12 R828598C038

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Pollution Prevention by Process Modification Hopper, Jack R.
Yaws, Carl L.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
13 R828598C039

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Water Solubility and Henry's Law Constant Yaws, Carl L.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
14 R828598C040

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Transferring Technical Information on Hazardous Substance Research by Publishing on the World Wide Web Jordan, Donald L.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
15 R828598C697

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Fundamental and Kinetic Investigation of Sorbent Technology for Optimum Mercury Emission Control Ho, Tho C.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 1998 -
December 2001  
16 R828598C734

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
An Advanced System for Pollution Prevention in Chemical Complexes Hopper, Jack R.
Pike, Ralph W.
Yaws, Carl L.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University,Louisiana State University September 2000 -
August 2004  
17 R828598C744

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Optical Fibers Coated With Titania Membrane/UV-Generating Crystal in a Distributed-Light Photoreactor for VOC Oxidation Li, Ku-Yen
Chen, Daniel

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2004  
18 R828598C749

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Characterization and Modeling of Indoor Particulate Contaminants In a Heavily Industrialized Community Ho, Tho C.
Chu, Hsing-wei

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2000 -
August 2003  
19 R828598C810

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Application of Total Cost Assessment To Process Design In the Chemical Industry Yaws, Carl L.
Hopper, Jack R.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University September 2001 -
August 2003  
20 R831276C004

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Visible-Light-Responsive Titania Modified with Aerogel/Ferroelectric Optical Materials for VOC Oxidation Chen, Daniel
Li, Ku-Yen

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University December 2003 -
November 2004  
21 R831276C005

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Development of a Microwave-Induced On-Site Regeneration Technology for Advancing the Control of Mercury and VOC Emissions Employing Activated Carbon Chu, Hsing-wei
Ho, Tho C.
Lin, Jerry

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University December 2003 -
November 2004  
22 R831276C012

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Simulations of the Emission, Transport, Chemistry and Deposition of Atmospheric Mercury in the Upper Gulf Coast Region Lin, Jerry
Chu, Hsing-wei
Ho, Tho C.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University December 2003 -
November 2004  
23 R831276C013

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Reduction of Environmental Impact and Improvement of Intrinsic Security in Unsteady-state Lou, Helen
Gossage, John
Hopper, Jack R.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University December 2003 -
November 2004  
24 R831276C018

- This is a subproject of the Gulf Coast HSRC (Lamar)
Integrated Chemical Complex and Cogeneration Analysis System: Greenhouse Gas Management and Pollution Prevention Solutions Yaws, Carl L.
Lou, Helen

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Lamar University December 2003 -
November 2004  
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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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