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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Contact: Victoria Park
May 14, 2002�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 202-482-0310


Non-profit Export Multipliers Encouraged to Compete for 2002 Awards

The Commerce Department has announced that non-profit export multipliers such as local development agencies, small business development centers and trade associations can now apply for Market Development Cooperator Program (MDCP) awards worth $2 million.

“We want businesses to take advantage of new exporting opportunities abroad,” said Commerce Assistant Secretary Linda Conlin.� “This program gives them the jump start they need to create new business relationships to promote their products around the world.”

The MDCP is a competitive matching grant program established in 1993 designed to help small and medium sized businesses promote U.S. products abroad.� Awards are limited to $400,000 each, which may last up to three years.� Award winners are required to match federal funds 2 to 1.�Over the last five years, MDCP projects have generated over $1 billion in exports or $86 for every Federal dollar invested.� The deadline to apply for the grant is July 1, 2002.�

In addition to receiving funds, recipients also receive professional support from Department of Commerce trade experts.� This includes customized briefings on markets and industries, assistance in organizing trade missions, facilitating private meetings with pre-screened contacts in other countries and organizing debriefings to determine appropriate follow-up strategies.

Organizations interested in applying for an MDCP grant can obtain information by calling (202) 482-2969 or visiting www.export.gov/mdcp

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