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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE��������������� ������������������ CONTACT: Jim Dyke
Thursday, December 6, 2001�������������������������������������� ������������������ Trevor Francis

Statement by Secretary of Commerce Don Evans
on the Passage of Trade Promotion Authority

I commend the House leadership for bringing Trade Promotion Authority up for a vote and I congratulate both the Republicans and the Democrats who stood strong and voted for its passage. Today’s vote was a win for expanding trade; a win for American leadership around the world; a win for the American worker, entrepreneur, businessman, and farmer; and a win for the economic security of America.

President Bush is committed to free trade because it is an engine of economic growth and security, job creation and innovation. Opening markets for American products and crops will result in more and better paying jobs for Americans and lower prices for American consumers.

The benefits of today’s vote will be felt in every home, on every factory floor, on every farm and up and down every Main Street in America.

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