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For Immediate Release��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Contact: Curt Cultice or Ray Cho
December 3, 2001��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (202) 482-3809 or 482-0396

U.S. Department of Commerce Teams Up with Runaware to Offer
IT Management Planning Software Online

Washington DC – Companies around the world can now use the Internet to access the demonstration version of the information technology (IT) management and planning software developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce.The Department announced that it has made this software, the IT Management Planning Tool, available online for testing at http://www.runaware.com. Runaware’s service enables online access and evaluation of the software with no download or installation required.��

The software helps private- and public-sector organizations assess their current IT usage and plan for future IT and e-business investments.Many organizations know they should invest in IT and e-business but are not certain about how or where to start.The Department developed the application to help organizations at all stages of IT usage in countries throughout the world take these steps.

The web-hosted test site is part of the Department’s plan to disseminate the IT Management Planning Tool software as widely as possible.�� The Department has been conducting seminars and training workshops on the software in various countries, in partnership with local governments, U.S. Embassies, and U.S. IT suppliers.The software currently is available in Spanish and Mandarin Chinese in addition to English.With Runaware, the English-language version of the software is available for evaluation using a Java-enabled Internet browser.Interested users can contact the Office of Information Technologies for a free CD-ROM, which in addition to the IT Management Planning Tool software includes a user's manual, a voice-over guide, and information on the benefits of IT and the importance of critical infrastructure protection.

Making the U.S. Department of Commerce’s IT Tool available on the web provides the Department with an opportunity to increase efficiency and realize substantial cost savings.Runaware is playing an important role in the dissemination of the Department’s IT Management Planning Tool software to the rest of the world.

For further information please contact:

U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration/Trade Development, Office of Information Technologies at ExportIT@ita.doc.gov, Tel: (202) 482-0572, Fax (202) 482-0952 or http://exportIT.ita.doc.gov.


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