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July 14, 2004
  Contact: Meredith Williams
(202) 482-3809

Bush Administration Official Honors
Three Local Firms for Export Achievement

Neal Burnham, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce, U.S. Commercial Service today presented the Commerce Department's Export Achievement Certificate to Walker Bay Boats, Inc. of Union Gap; PC Professionals of University Place; and A&H Enterprises of Kirkland. These awards recognize companies and organizations that have used the export services of the U.S. Commercial Service to make their first export sale or open new foreign markets.

"Most new jobs in America are created by small businesses," Burnham said. "Small and medium-sized companies like Walker Bay, PC Professionals and A&H Enterprises comprise almost 97 percent of U.S. exporters. The Bush Administration will continue to work hard to help U.S. companies increase their exports and generate high-paying jobs for the working people of Washington."

Walker Bay Boats manufactures a number of personal and commercial watercraft. As a result of export counseling and and business meetings arranged through the U.S. Commercial Service, Walker Bay Boats was able to make a new export sale to Mexico of over $20,000.

PC Professionals provides custom imaging solutions to forensic professionals for a wide range of image analysis tasks, including fingerprint analysis and pattern removal, image encryption and automatic enhancement tracking. The U.S. Commercial Service helped PC Professionals make new export sales to both the United Kingdom and China.

A&H Enterprises provides innovative design and devlelopment of fluid control devices ranging from pressure regulations, to flow control, to specialized pumps. A&H successfully entered the Norweigian market with the assistance of the U.S. Commercial Service's market research, export counseling and other services.

The U.S. Commercial Service is a U.S. Commerce Department agency that helps small and medium-sized U.S. businesses sell their products and services globally. The Seattle U.S. Export Assistance Center is part of the agency's worldwide network, which includes 107 U.S. Export Assistance Centers throughout the United States and more than 150 international offices.

For more information on the U.S. Commercial Service, please visit www.export.gov or call the U.S. Export Assistance Center in Seattle at 206-553-5615.

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