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May 27, 2004
  Contact: Victoria Park
(202) 482-3809

Commerce Department Announces Request for Public
Comment on the Work of the Newly Created Unfair Trade Task Force

Today the Commerce Department published in the Federal Register a notice calling for comments on the work of the newly established Unfair Trade Practices Task Force. The creation of the Task Force was a key recommendation in the "Manufacturing in America, A Comprehensive Strategy to Address the Challenges to U.S. Manufacturers" report released by the Department in January 2004.

"Today's announcement reflects the Bush Administration's commitment to strengthening the manufacturing sector's ability to compete in the global market place by eliminating unfair trade practices that hurt U.S. companies," said Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans.

In order to supplement the Task Force's ongoing work, the Department is asking the public and representatives of the manufacturing sector to identify unfair trade practices that have the potential to harm U.S. companies. The Department is interested in receiving comments on all types of foreign unfair trade practices, including those practices which currently may not be subject to specific or adequate trade disciplines, as well as comments on the underlying market distortions that may have contributed to or resulted from the practices in question. The Department also welcomes suggestions on the most effective ways in which the Task Force can assist in addressing the particular unfair trade practices identified. Written comments will be accepted from interested parties through June 28, 2004.

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