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Final Determination in the Antidumping Duty Investigation on Imports of

Hand Trucks and Certain Parts Thereof from the People's Republic of China

On October 7, the Department of Commerce (Department) announced its final affirmative determination in the antidumping duty investigation on imports of hand trucks and certain parts thereof from the People's Republic of China (PRC).   The Department has determined that Chinese producers and/or exporters have sold hand trucks in the U.S. market at less than fair value, with margins ranging from 24.90 to 386.75 percent.

Companies Qualifying for a "Separate Rate" (Section A Respondents):  Based on the voluntary responses to the Department's Section A questionnaire submitted by certain Chinese companies in this investigation, the Department has determined that two companies ( Qingdao Future Tool Inc. and Shandong Machinery Import & Export Group Corp.) have demonstrated an absence of government control that is required to be eligible to receive "separate-rate" status. Therefore, imports produced/exported by these companies will be subject to a dumping margin of 30.56 percent, the weighted-average of the mandatory respondents' individual margins.

Next Steps:   The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) is scheduled to issue its final injury determination on or about November 22.   If the ITC makes a final affirmative determination that such imports were materially injuring, or threaten to materially injure, the domestic industry, the Department will issue an antidumping order and instruct the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (Customs) to collect cash deposits for antidumping duties at the specified rates.

Petitioners:  The petition requesting this investigation was filed by Gleason Industrial Products, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA) and Precision Products, Inc. (Lincoln, IL).

Product Description:   The scope of the investigation consists of hand trucks manufactured from any material, whether assembled or unassembled, complete or incomplete, suitable for any use, and specific parts thereof, namely the vertical frame, the handling area and the projecting edges or toe plate, and any combination thereof.   The subject hand trucks are commonly referred to as a hand truck, convertible hand truck, appliance hand truck, cylinder hand truck, bag truck, dolly, or hand trolley.

The merchandise subject to this investigation is classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) under subheading 8716.80.50.10, although they may also be imported under subheading 8716.80.50.90.   Specific parts of a hand truck, namely the vertical frame, the handling area and the projecting edges or toe plate, or any combination thereof, are typically imported under subheading 8716.90.5060.   Although the HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and Customs purposes, the written description of the scope of this investigation is dispositive.

Final Margins:



Qingdao Huatian Hand Truck Co., Ltd.


Qingdao Taifa Group Co., Ltd.


Qingdao Xinghua Group Co., Ltd.


True Potential Company






Qingdao Future Tool Inc.


Shandong Machinery Import & Export Group Corp.


Case Calendar:



Petition Filed

November 13, 2003

Initiation Date

December 3, 2003

ITC Preliminary Determination

December 29, 2003

ITA Preliminary Determination

May 17, 2004

ITA Final Determination

October 6, 2004

ITC Final Determination

November 22, 2004

Signature of Order (estimated)*

November 29, 2004

*This will take place only in the event of a final affirmative determination by the ITC.   Publication of order will take place within 7 days from an affirmative determination by the ITC.

Import Statistics:




Volume (units)




Value ($US)




Source: U.S. ITC Trade DataWeb for HTS 8716.80.50.10.

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