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Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreement's Decision
to Extend the China Textile Safeguard Determination on Imports
of Men's and Boys' Wool Trousers from China

On July 22, the Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements ("the Committee") extended until July 31, 2005, the period for making a determination on whether to request consultations with China regarding imports of men's and boys' wool trousers (Category 447).

Background: On December 10, 2004, the Committee accepted for consideration, and solicited public comments on, an industry request to impose an Accession Agreement textile and apparel safeguard action on imports from China of men's and boys' wool trousers on the ground that an anticipated increase in imports of such products after January 1, 2005, threatened to disrupt the U.S. market for men's and boys' wool trousers.

The public comment period on the request, which the Committee was previously enjoined from considering, closed on May 23, 2005.

The Committee's Procedures state that the Committee will make a determination within 60 calendar days of the close of the public comment period as to whether the United States will request consultations with China.

If the Committee is unable to make a determination within 60 calendar days, it will cause to be published a notice in the Federal Register, including the date by which it will make a determination.

The 60-day determination period for this case expired on July 22, 2005. However, the Committee is unable to make a determination at this time. The Committee is continuing to evaluate conditions in the U.S. market for men's and boys' wool trousers and information obtained from public comments on the case.

Next Steps: The Committee will publish shortly a Federal Register notice of today's decision.

Requestors: The American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition, the National Council of Textile Organizations, the National Textile Association, SEAMS and UNITE HERE.

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