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Fate and Effects of Hormones in Waste From Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) Workshop

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August 20-22, 2007
U.S. EPA Region 5 Conference Facility, Chicago, IL

Detailed information about this Workshop:

Author Title
Overview Executive Summary (PDF)(23 pp, 116 KB)
Overview of Workshop Abstracts U.S. EPA Perspectives on CAFO Waste Issues (PDF)(15 pp, 64 KB)
Gerald Ankley, EPA, Health Effects Lab Overview of the ORD CAFO Research Project (PDF)(30 pp, 1.1 MB)
Miguel Cabrera, University of Georgia Fate of Hormones in Waste from Concentrated Broiler Feeding Operations (PDF)(34 pp, 2.2 MB)
Charles Eirkson, FDA, Center for Veterinary Medicine Environmental Assessment for Veterinary Pharmaceuticals (PDF)(34 pp, 558 K)
Daniel Fisher, University of Maryland Transport/Fate/Ecological Effects of Steroids from Poultry Litter & Evaluations of Existing/Novel Management Strategies (PDF)(44 pp, 1.7 MB)
Elaine Z. Francis, National Program Director, Pesticides and Toxics Research Endocrine Disruptors Research Program and CAFOs (PDF)(14 pp, 393 K)
Sarah Gerould, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Biological Science at the USGS: Understanding the Effects of CAFOs (PDF)(15 pp, 1.0 MB)
Matthew Gluckman, EPA, Region 5 EPA Region 5 CAFO Waste Issues (PDF)(20 pp, 838 K)
Jocelyn Hemming, University of Wisconsin, Madison Assessing Occurrence, Persistence and Biological Effects of Hormones Released from Livestock Waste (PDF)(25 pp, 1.5 MB)
Steve Hutchins, EPA, Risk Management Lab Assessing Ground and Surface Water Impacts from Hormones in CAFOs (PDF)(22 pp, 1.6 MB)
Linda Lee, Purdue University Fate of Hormones in Tile-drained Fields and Impact to Aquatic Organisms Under Different Animal Waste Land-application Practices (PDF)(26 pp, 2.3 MB)
Roberta Parry, EPA, Office of Water CAFO Rule and Future Research Needs (PDF)(29 pp, 491 K)
Cliff Rice, USDA, Agricultural Research Service CAFOs and Hormones, Overview of ARS Research (PDF)(17 pp, 568 K)
Mary Ann Rozum, USDA, CSREES Overview of USDA Research on Hormones (PDF)(6 pp, 125 K)
David Sedlak, University of California, Berkeley Transport and Transformation of Natural and Synthetic Steroid Hormones at Beef Cattle and Dairy Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (PDF)(26 pp, 901 K)
Daniel Snow, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Effects of Cattle Manure Handling and Management Strategies on Fate and Transport of Hormones in the Feedlot and the Field (PDF)(24 pp, 909 K)

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