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PSIC Investments: As of September 30, 2008, the Program approved over 281 Investments. NTIA and FEMA program staff used information from the Investment Justification submissions to compile State-by-State Investment Summaries that capture the details of the approved Investments. For more information, please go to Awards.
Posted 10-22-2008

Revised Investment Justification Template: NTIA received valuable feedback from grant recipients and sub-recipients on limitations of the IJ Template. The IJ Template has been revised to allow more flexibility in meeting the 20 percent statutory match requirement.

  • Revised IJ Template (Excel)
  • Investment Justification Reference Guide Addendum (Acrobat PDF 177 Kb)

  • Posted 10-22-2007

    PSIC Frequently Asked Questions and Allowable Costs Matrix: Additional information to help grantees and subrecipients prepare PSIC investments.

  • Frequently Asked Questions and Answers - October 22, 2007 (Acrobat 810 PDF Kb)
  • Allowable Cost Matrix (Acrobat PDF 74Kb)

  • Posted 10-22-2007

    Request for PSIC Peer Reviewers: NTIA is accepting peer review applications to assist with the evaluation of Public Safety Interoperable Communications Investment Justifications and Statewide Communications Interoperability Plans.
    Posted 10-22-2007

    PSIC Grant Awards: On September 30, 2007, the Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program awarded $968,385,000 to fund interoperable communications projects from the 56 States and Territories. The awards will help state and local first responders improve public safety communications during a natural or man-made disaster. For additional information, please go to Awards.
    Posted 10-01-2007

    PSIC Grant Program Investment Justifications Workshops: (NTIA) held four one-day workshops to assist public safety organizations plan and develop their PSIC Investments for potential awards. State Administrative Agencies must submit Investment Justifications by December 3, 2007. If you could not make one of these workshops, you can view the Powerpoint and Video for each segment of the workshop from the Technical Assistance page.
    Posted 10-01-2007

    PSIC Investment Justification Reference Guide (Acrobat PDF 2.58Mb): This guide is an aid to States and Territories in the development of their IJ. This Guide complements the PSIC Program Grant and Application Kit, which was originally released on July 18, 2007, and revised on August 16, 2007.
    PSIC Investment Justification Reference Guide (Word)
    Investment Justification Template(Excel)
    Posted 09-19-2007

    Federal Register Notice: Amendment to Notice of Availability of Funds
    On July 23, 2007, NTIA published a Notice of Availability of Funds in the Federal Register, 72 Fed. Reg. 40120, for the Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program. On August 3, 2007, the President signed into law the Improving Emergency Communications Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 110-53, which amended Section 3006 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 that authorized the PSIC Grant Program. This Notice provides amendments to PSIC Grant Program Notice of Availability of Funds.
    (Printable version Acrobat PDF 50 Kb)
    - Federal Register Notice: Amendment to Notice of Availability of Funds
    - Brief Description of Modifications to PSIC Grant Program
    - REVISED PSIC Program Guidance and Application Kit (Acrobat PDF 493 Kb)
    - MODIFIED Federal Funding Opportunity Announcement (Acrobat PDF 112 Kb)
    Posted 08-16-2007

    Secretaries Gutierrez and Chertoff to Annouce Nearly $1 Billion in Grants for First Responder Communications: On Wednesday, July 18, 2007, U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez and U.S. Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Michael Chertoff will announce the $968 million Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grants to help state and local first responders improve public safety communications during a natural or man-made disaster for All 50 States, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Territories.
    Press Advisory [ -- HTML -- Acrobat PDF (111 Kb) -- ]
    Press Release and State Allocations (Acrobat PDF 59 Kb)
    Remarks of U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez
    ORIGINAL Federal Funding Opportunity Announcement (Acrobat PDF 112 Kb)
      Please note that this was modified - see MODIFIED Federal Funding
      Opportunity Announcement

    ORIGINAL Federal Register Notice of Availability of Funds published on
      July 23, 2007 Please note that this was modified - see Federal Register
      Notice: Amendment to Notice of Availability of Funds

    PSIC Fact Sheet (Acrobat PDF 33 Kb)
    ORIGINAL PSIC Program Guidance and Application Kit: Applicants should
      prepare their applications based on the Federal Funding Opportunity
      announcement and the Program Guidance. (Acrobat PDF 500 Kb)
      Please note that this was modified - see Revised PSIC Guidance and
      Application Kit

    PSIC Frequently-Asked Questions (Acrobat PDF 66 Kb)
    DHS State Homeland Security Contacts
    Posted 07-18-2007

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