Workshop on Non-Metropolitan Local Consultation Workshop Overview

Location: St. Louis, MO
Date: January 26-27, 2004
Host Agency: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

I. Introduction

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), with support from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), sponsored a workshop to discuss experiences and suggestions on implementing a Final Rule on Non-Metropolitan Local Consultation. Specifically, the workshop provided a forum for representatives from states, the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO), the National Association of Counties (NACO) and other key stakeholders to foster mutual learning by sharing their experiences in implementing consultation processes with non-metropolitan local officials and to offer suggestions of how to enhance effective collaboration.

The Non-Metropolitan Local Official Consultation Workshop took place in St. Louis, MO January 26-27, 2004. Gary Gorshing of NADO, Janet Oakley of AASHTO, and Gloria Shepherd of the FHWA Office of Planning addressed participants of the workshop. In addition to representatives from NACO and NADO, approximately 30 state Department of Transportation (DOT) representatives from across the country participated, including Alabama, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Tennessee, Utah, Wyoming, and Washington (See Appendix I). Dr. Mike Meyer, professor at Georgia Tech University, facilitated the workshop.

The purpose of this document is to provide a preliminary overview of the workshop proceedings. A background paper on Non-Metropolitan Local Official Consultation and the final report of the workshop proceedings will be forthcoming.

II. Background

The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) states that "with respect to each non-metropolitan area, the long-range transportation plan and the program shall be developed in consultation with affected local officials with responsibility for transportation," in order to improve the statewide transportation planning and decision making process. FHWA created a Final Rule on January 23, 2003, with an amendment on February 14, 2003, that requires states to develop and document a non-metropolitan local official consultation process by February 24, 2004 that is "separate and discrete" from other public involvement techniques.

III. Preliminary Workshop Findings

The workshop participants separated into their AASHTO regional groups (NASTO, SASHTO, Mississippi Valley and WASHTO) to address their experiences with the non-metropolitan local official consultation process when developing the statewide transportation plan (e.g., Long Range Plan) and program and project development (e.g., Statewide Transportation Improvement Program). The breakout groups addressed the following questions:

Workshop participants discussed what consultation practices were most useful to them including:

Workshop participants agreed that no singular model exists of how to consult non-metropolitan local officials. It was found that some states have an existing non-metropolitan local official consultation process and are working to document the process, whereas other states are developing the process. Despite the regional differences in implementation methods, the common features identified as important to the non-metropolitan local official consultation process were summarized as:

IV. Appendix I: Attendance List for Jan. 26-27, 2004 Local Consultation Workshop

(lists those signed up prior to the meeting- some did not attend due to weather problems)
*Attended State by AASHTO Region
Region I
Thomas Clash NY New York State Department of Transportation
Amy Kessler PA North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission
Thomas Kotay PA Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
*Christopher Mann ME Maine Department of Transportation
Robert Thompson ME Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments
*Paul Oberle MD Maryland Department of Transportation
Region II
*Albert Brantley MSMississippi Department of Transportation
*Annette Coffey KY Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
*Preston Elliottv TN Tennessee Department of Transportation
*Ysela Llort FL Florida Department of Transportation
*Mark Pleasant SC South Carolina Department of Transportation
*Virginia Porta AR Arkansas Department of Transportation
*Bob Romig FL Florida Department of Transportation
David Studstill GA Georgia Department of Transportation
*Del Truitt TN Tennessee Department of Transportation
Ken Ferguson WV West Virginia Department of Transportation
Michael Schiro LA Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development
Region III
*Randy Blankenhorn IL Illinois Department of Transportation
David Comstock KS Kansas Department of Transportation
Larry Emig KS Kansas Department of Transportation
Randall Halvorson MN Minnesota Department of Transportation
*Kyle Kittrell MO Missouri Department of Transportation
*Kenneth Leonard WIWisconsin Department of Transportation
Bradley McMahon MOFHWA Missouri Division
*Marcie Meystrik MOMissouri Department of Transportation
*Matt Selhorst OHOhio Department of Transportation
Dennis Slimmer KSKansas Department of Transportation
*William Stone MOMissouri Department of Transportation
Steve Smith IN Indiana Department of Transportation
*Marsha Small MIMichigan Department of Transportation
Region IV
*Jerri Bohard OROregon Department of Transportation
Dale Buskirk AZArizona Department of Transportation
*Melissa Butcher WY Wyoming Department of Transportation
Michelle Conkle TX Texas Department of Transportation
*Kent Cooper NV Nevada Department of Transportation
*Kathleen Davis WA Washington State Department of Transportation
*Chris Fetzer AZ Northern Arizona Council of Governments
*Dave Leftwich ND North Dakota Department of Transportation
Robert Milburn WY Wyoming Department of Transportation
*Ben Orsbon SD South Dakota Department of Transportation
*Jeff Ottesen AK Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
*John Quick UT Utah Department of Transportation
*Patricia Raino ID Idaho Department of Transportation
*Joseph Sanchez NM New Mexico Department of Transportation
*Danny Stover NM New Mexico Department of Transportation
Julia Tsumoto HI Hawaii State Department of Transportation
Sandra Straehl MT Montana Department of Transportation
Lynn Zanto MT Montana Department of Transportation
James Davenport DC NACO
Karen Miller MO NACO
*Matt Chase DC NADO
Michael Meyer GA Georgia Tech
*Janet Oakley
*Erik Friesenshahn
*Dave Clawson
Cindy Burbank
*Gloria Shepherd
*David Kuehn
*Esther Lee