Corruption threatens good governance, sustainable development, democratic process, and fair business practices. The OECD is a global leader in the fight against corruption, taking a multidisciplinary approach to combating corruption in business via the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, taxation, development aid, and governance in its member countries and beyond. Regional anti-corruption programmes help the OECD reach out globally to curb corruption.

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What's new

Ireland should improve its anti-corruption laws, including on corporate liability


Ireland should urgently expand corporate liability for acts of foreign bribery, according to a review of Ireland’s enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.

Israel joins OECD Working Group on Bribery


Israel has officially joined the OECD Working Group on Bribery, an important step in its accession to OECD membership. OECD has also launched a partnership with the African Development Bank (AFDB) to support the efforts of African governments and business to fight bribery and corruption and boost corporate integrity.

OECD countries agree on new approach to cut fraud and corruption in public procurement


OECD countries and industry must do more to crack down on fraud and waste in government contracts, such as building new schools and roads, that cost taxpayers billions of dollars every year, says OECD. These are among the recommendations in the new Principles for Enhancing Integrity in Public Procurement, part of a broader initiative to tackle corruption and improve governance.

OECD Recommendation on Enhancing Integrity in Public Procurement (2008)


OECD countries demonstrated their commitment to promoting good governance in public procurement by approving the Principles for Enhancing Integrity in Public Procurement in the form of OECD Recommendation on 16 October 2008. The Principles are a policy instrument to help governments prevent mismanagement, fraud and corruption in the entire public procurement cycle.

OECD Joint Learning Study on Morocco: Enhancing Integrity in Public Procurement


This study examines Morocco's progress in modernising public procurement, with a focus on fighting corruption and enhancing integrity. This pilot Joint Learning Study introduces a new and innovative activity to share knowledge on key policy issues between OECD countries and countries in the Middle East and North Africa region to support the implementation of preventative mechanisms of the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

OECD Group demands rapid UK action to enact adequate anti-bribery laws


The OECD's Working Group on Bribery sharply criticized the United Kingdom's failure to bring its anti-bribery laws into line with its international obligations under the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and urged the rapid introduction of new legislation. In light of numerous issues of serious concern, the Working Group has requested the UK to provide quarterly reports on legislative progress for each Working Group meeting.


Enhancing Integrity in Public Procurement: a Checklist


The OECD Checklist was developed to facilitate the implementation of the Principles for Enhancing Integrity in Public Procurement to support governments prevent mismanagement, fraud and corruption in government contracts. 

Public consultation on the review of OECD anti-bribery instruments


More than 30 representatives of civil society, the private sector, multi-lateral institutions and the legal profession met with the Working Group on Bribery on 16 June. Individuals and organisations had an opportunity to clarify and expand upon their written responses to the Consultation Paper on the review of the OECD anti-bribery instruments. The ongoing review of the anti-bribery instruments is tentatively due for completion in the first half of 2009.

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Talking about corruption

Progress made and challenges ahead in the fight against corruption

Interview with the head of the anti-corruption division

How does OECD fight corruption?

Corruption wastes millions of dollars and works against the aims of developed and developing countries.

Watch this video explaining the importance of the Anti-Bribery Convention

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