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Organization GSA Organization Overview

GSA’s mission is to "help federal agencies better serve the public by offering, at best value, superior workplaces, expert solutions, acquisition services and management policies."  GSA consists of the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), the Public Buildings Service (PBS), and various Staff Offices, including the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs (OCIA).  Eleven Regional Offices extend GSA’s outreach to federal customers nationwide.

GSA Regional Offices are located in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Fort Worth, Denver, San Francisco, Auburn (Washington), Washington, DC.

Approximately 12,000 GSA employees provide valuable support to other federal agencies and, in some cases, the general public. GSA is the government’s “landlord,” meeting the office and other space requirements of the federal workforce. GSA is also the premier federal acquisition and procurement force offering equipment, supplies, telecommunications, and integrated information technology solutions to customer agencies. GSA also plays a key role in developing and implementing policies that affect many government agencies and helps other federal agencies improve their service to and communication with the public by offering effective citizen-response tools and services.

GSA acts as a catalyst for nearly $66 billion in federal spending—more than one-fourth of the government's total procurement dollars. The agency also influences the management of federal assets valued at nearly $500 billion. These assets include more than 8,300 government-owned or leased buildings, an interagency fleet of 170,000 vehicles, and technology programs and products ranging from laptop computers to systems that cost over $100 million.

Although GSA leverages billions of dollars in the marketplace, only one percent of the agency's total budget is provided through direct congressional appropriations. The majority of GSA's operating costs must be recovered through the products and services it provides.

In the 21st Century, GSA is focusing increasingly on adding value through new, efficient, and effective ways for federal employees to do their work. GSA, building on its strong record of accomplishment, is helping to create a citizen-centric, results-oriented government that is even more productive and responsible to all Americans.