BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Singapore Local time: 03:57 AM

Callidus Technologies, LLC

U.S. Oil & Gas Emission Reduction Equipment Company Seeking Representation

Callidus Technologies, LLC are environmental and combustion experts for emission reduction equipment such as burners, flares and incinerators that are widely used in the oil & gas industry.  Their innovative technologies provide for improved capabilities towards efficient combustion and lower environmental emissions.  Please refer to for more detailed information on their product lines.

The agent / distributor Callidus is looking for Singapore, Brunei and possibly Vietnam should have experience in combustion applications especially in various industry sectors such as petrochemical, refining and oil & gas plus be very focused in selling to major end-users in the respective industries mentioned.  The products must be sold both technically and strategically so having a good track record and connections in those industries are important.

Mr. Jason Wiltshire, Director of Sales, Asia Pacific based in Shanghai will be in Singapore from late November to early December to meet with potential "local companies".  If you or an associate is interested to explore this opportunity, please submit your company details on the online form by Tuesday, November 4, 2008.


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