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Mine Safety and Health Administration
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[December 22, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 245)]
[Unified Agenda]
[Page 73213]

Department of Labor (DOL)
(Proposed Rule Stage)

Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 30 USC 811; 30 USC 813

CFR Citation: 30 CFR 56; 30 CFR 57; 30 CFR 71

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: MSHA's permissible exposure limit (PEL) for asbestos applies to surface (30 CFR part 56) and underground (30 CFR part 57) metal and nonmetal mines and to surface coal mines and surface areas of underground coal mines (30 CFR part 71) and is over 20 years old. MSHA is considering rulemaking to lower the PEL in order to reduce the risk of miners developing asbestos-induced occupational disease. A recent report by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) recommended that MSHA lower its existing permissible exposure limit for asbestos to a more protective level, and address take-home contamination from asbestos. It also recommended that MSHA use Transmission Electron Microscopy to analyze fiber samples that may contain asbestos.

Statement of Need: Current scientific data indicate that the existing asbestos PEL is not protective of miners' health. MSHA's asbestos regulations date to 1967 and are based on the Bureau of Mines (MSHA's predecessor) standard of 5 mppcf (million particles per cubic foot of air). In 1969, the Bureau proposed a 2 mppcf and 12 fibers/ml standard. This standard was promulgated in 1969. In 1970, the Bureau proposed to lower the standard to 5 fibers/ml, which was promulgated in 1974. MSHA issued its current standard of 2 fibers/ml in 1976 for coal mining (41 FR 10223) and 1978 for metal and nonmetal mining (43 FR 54064). During inspections, MSHA routinely takes samples, which are analyzed for compliance with its standard.

Other Federal agencies have addressed this issue by lowering their PEL for asbestos. For example, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, working in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency, enacted a revised asbestos standard in 1994 that lowered the permissible exposure limit to an 8-hour time-weighted average limit of 0.1 fiber per cubic centimeter of air and the excursion limit to 1.0 fiber per cubic centimeter of air (1 f/cc) as averaged over a sampling period of thirty (30) minutes. These lowered limits reflected increased asbestos-related disease risk to asbestos- exposed workers.

Summary of Legal Basis: Promulgation of this regulation is authorized by section 101 of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977.

Alternatives: The Agency has increased sampling efforts in an attempt to determine current miners' exposure levels to asbestos, including taking samples at all existing vermiculite, taconite, talc, and other mines to determine whether asbestos is present and at what levels. In early 2000, MSHA began an intensive sampling effort at operations with potential asbestos exposure. These efforts continue. While sampling, MSHA staff discussed with miners and mine operators the potential hazards of asbestos and the types of preventive measures that could be implemented to reduce exposures. The course of action MSHA takes in addressing asbestos hazards to miners will, in part, be based on these sampling results.

Anticipated Cost and Benefits: MSHA will develop a preliminary regulatory economic analysis to accompany any proposed rule that may be developed.

Risks: There is concern that miners could be exposed to the hazards of asbestos during mine operations where the ore body contains asbestos. There is also potential for exposure at facilities in which installed asbestos-containing material is present. Overexposure to asbestos causes asbestosis, mesothelioma, and other forms of cancers.

Action                                 DFR Cite

ANPRM           67 FR 15134                                    03/29/02
Notice of Public Meetings                                      03/29/02
Notice of Change67 FR 19140Meetings                            04/18/02
ANPRM Comment Period End                                       06/27/02
NPRM                                                           05/00/04

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The Office of the Inspector General's ``Evaluation of MSHA's Handling of Inspections at the W.R. Grace & Company Mine in Libby, Montana,'' was issued in March 2001.

Agency Contact: Marvin W. Nichols Jr.
Director, Office of Standards
Department of Labor
Mine Safety and Health Administration
Room 2352
1100 Wilson Boulevard
Room 2350
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: 202 693-9440
Fax: 202 693-9441

RIN: 1219-AB24


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