Caregivers Are Quality in Long Term Care

Slide Presentation by Christine T. Kovner, R.N., Ph.D.

On April 30, 2003, Christine T. Kovner, R.N., Ph.D., made a presentation in the Web-Assisted Audioconference entitled Caregivers and Quality in Long Term Care.

This is the text version of Dr. Kovner's slide presentation. Select to access the PowerPoint® slides (194 KB).

Caregivers Are Quality in Long Term Care

Christine T. Kovner, R.N., Ph.D.
Division of Nursing
Steinhardt School of Education

Slide 1

Caregivers Are Quality in Long Term Care

Christine T. Kovner, R.N., Ph.D.
Division of Nursing, Steinhardt School of Education, NYU
April 30, 2003

Slide contains a picture of Christine Kovner.

Slide 2

Total Nurse Staffing Hours per Resident per Day, 2001

Source: Harrington from CMS OSCAR data.

Slide 3

Reported Staff Ratios on each Shift—Nursing Homes 2001

Source: Harrington from CMS OSCAR data.

Slide 4

Research Studies: Positive Relationship Between Licensed Nurses & Quality

Source: Bliesmer, et al., 1998; Harrington, et al., 2000; Moseley & Jones, 2003.

Slide 5

Research Studies: Positive Relationship Between Licensed Nurses & Quality

Source: (Stark report, 2001); (DHHS Report to Congress: Appropriateness of Minimum Nursing Staffing Ratios in Nursing Homes, 12- 1 (Spring 2000).

Slide 6

Medication Errors in Home Care for Patients 65 years and older

Source: Kovner, Menezes, & Feldman, 2003; MEPS data from AHRQ.

Slide 7

Occupational Training Requirements

Many believe minimum training for nursing assistants should be increased:


Slide 8

Recommended Nursing Hours in NHs (direct and indirect)

Slide contains a chart showing the recommended hours in NHs for registered nurses: 69 minutes (1.15 hours) per day; for licensed practical/vocational nurses: 42 minutes (.70 hours) per day; for nursing assistants: 162 minutes (2.7 hours) per day; for total nursing: 273 minutes (4.55 hours) per day.

Slide 9

Geriatric Preparation

Source: Kovner, C.T., Mezey, M., & Harrington, C. (2002).

Slide 10


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Bliesmer, M M, Smayling, M, Kane, R, et al (1998) The relationship between nursing staffing levels and nursing home outcomes. Journal of Aging and Health 10(3):351-71.

Harrington, C, Zimmerman, D, Karon, SL, et al (2000). Nursing home staffing and its relationship to deficiencies. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 55B(5):S278-87.

Linn, MGL, Linn, BA (1977). Patient outcomes as a measure of quality of nursing home care. American Journal of Public Health 67(4):337-44.

Nyman, JA (1988). Improving the quality of nursing home outcomes: Are adequacy or incentive-oriented policies more effective? Medical Care, 26(12):1158-71.

Kayser-Jones, Wiener, CL, Barbaccia, JC (1989). Factors contributing to the hospitalization of nursing home residents. The Gerontologist 29:502-10.

Spector, WD, Takada, HA (1991). Characteristics of nursing homes that affect resident outcomes. Journal of Aging and Health 3(4):427-54.

Cherry, RL (1991). Agents of nursing home quality of care: Ombudsman and staff ratios revised. The Gerontologist 31:302-8.

Kayser-Jones, J, Schell, E (1997). The effect of staffing on the quality of care at mealtime. Nursing Outlook 45(2):64-72.

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Current as of July 2003

Internet Citation

Caregivers Are Quality in Long Term Care. Text Version of a Slide Presentation at a Web-assisted Audioconference. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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