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FDsys Overview

The Office of the Chief Information Officer is working to develop GPO’s Digital Information System (FDsys). As outlined in the Strategic Vision, FDsys will allow federal agencies to easily create and submit content that can then be preserved, authenticated, managed and delivered upon request. FDsys will form the core of GPO’s future operations.

FDsys will include all known Federal Government documents within the scope of GPO’s Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), whether printed or electronic. Information entered into the system will be authenticated and catalogued according to GPO metadata and document creation standards. Content will include text, graphics, audio, and video files. It will be available for online searching and viewing, downloading and printing, and as document masters for conventional and on-demand printing.

FDsys is being developed in phases and currently included three scheduled releases. The first public release is scheduled for 2008.

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For more information, please contact the Office of Innovation & New Technology


Phone: 202.512.1080

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