BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Luxembourg Local time: 07:20 AM


The following links may be useful to you and your company.

American Chamber of Commerce
The American Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg (AmCham Luxembourg) is a non-profit organization with hundreds of corporate European and American members. AmCham Luxembourg is dedicated to improving business and investment opportunities for US companies in Luxembourg and the European Union.

International Trade Administration
The International Trade Administration (ITA) is here to help U.S. businesses participate fully in the growing global marketplace. The ITA provides practical information to help U.S. businesses select markets for their products. The ITA is headed by the Under Secretary for International Trade who oversees the operations of ITA's four units: the Commercial Service, Trade Development, Market Access and Compliance, and the Import Administration.

Showcase Europe
Showcase Europe is a U.S. Department of Commerce program specifically created to promote U.S. exports to Europe. Here you will find commercial market information on various European countries, and you can be linked automatically to available country home pages, as well as Commerce Department databases.
The U.S. Commercial Service offers valuable assistance to help your business export goods and services to markets worldwide. From this site you can access a global listing of trade events, international market research, and practical tools to help with every step of the export process. Let the U.S. Commercial Service help your business prosper in today's global economy.

Visit USA Marketing and Promotion Bureau
Visit USA provides tourist information to Luxembourg residents travelling to the United States. In addition to viewing information and tips, private individuals and non-member travel companies can order state and city brochures or maps.