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Heavy Duty Vehicles

Regulatory and Technical Resources

This page includes OBD resources for heavy duty vehicles.


Notice of Extension of Comment Period: Regulations Requiring Onboard Diagnostic Systems on 2010 and Later Heavy-duty Engines used in Highway Vehicles Over 14,000 Pounds; Revisions to Onboard Diagnostic Requirements for Diesel engines used in Highway Heavy-duty Vehicles Under 14,000 Pounds (published March 22, 2007).

The EPA is extending the public comment period within the context of our proposed heavy-duty onboard diagnostics (OBD) requirements. (72 FR 3200, January 24, 2007) Specifically, the comment period is being extended for comments pertaining to the proposed service information availability requirements for engines used in highway vehicles over 14,000 pounds. These proposed requirements can be found in the proposed section 86.010-38(j). (72 FR 3322) The comment period will be extended from March 26, 2007 to May 4, 2007. We are extending the comment period in response to a request to do so from the Engine Manufacturers Association. That request can be found in Docket No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2005-0047 at www.regulations.gov.

Notice of Proposed Rule: Regulations Requiring Onboard Diagnostic Systems on 2010 and Later Heavy-duty Engines used in Highway Vehicles Over 14,000 Pounds; Revisions to Onboard Diagnostic Requirements for Diesel engines used in Highway Heavy-duty Vehicles Under 14,000 Pounds (published January 24, 2007).

This proposal would require the emissions control systems of large highway diesel and gasoline trucks to be monitored for malfunctions via an onboard diagnostic system (OBD), similar to those systems that have been required on passenger cars since the mid-1990s. In addition to these proposed requirements and changes, we are seeking comment on possible future regulations that would require OBD systems on heavy-duty diesel engines used in nonroad equipment (e.g., construction, industrial, agricultural). This proposal also makes changes to certain existing OBD requirements for smaller highway heavy-duty diesel trucks. The proposal is EPA Docket No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2005-0047 and comments on this rule are due to EPA 60 days after publication of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register.

The EPA is issuing a notice of proposed rulemaking to require Onboard Diagnostic (OBD) systems on heavy-duty engines used in highway vehicles weighing over 14,000 pounds. In addition, EPA is proposing changes to existing requirements for diesel engines used in highway heavy-duty vehicles under 14,000 pounds. Comments on this proposed rule are welcome. EPA has established a public docket (Docket No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2005-0047) to submit or view public comments and to access documents related to the development of the proposed rule. Comments on this rule are due to EPA 60 days after publication of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register. See the fact sheet or Federal Register Notice for information about how to comment on this proposed rule, or visit the docket at www.regulations.gov. NOTE: To access the docket from this link, select Advanced Search, then Docket Search, and then type EPA-HQ-OAR-2005-0047 as the Docket ID.

Final Rule (published October 6, 2000) - Control of Emissions of Air Pollution from 2004 and Later Model Year Heavy-duty Highway Engines and Vehicles

Todd Sherwood
Phone: 734-214-4405
E-mail: sherwood.todd@epa.gov

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