BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Austria Local time: 08:26 PM

Single Company Promotion

U.S. Embassy in Vienna

If you are planning to introduce your brand into Austria, why not do so with the help of the prestigious U.S. Embassy?

The scope of our involvement is up to you. Included in the package could be everything from a simple press release to a gala dinner and everything in between.

Many companies profit from the exposure they get at a press conference held at the U.S. Embassy and hosted by the U.S. Ambassador to Austria. Some prefer that we remain in the background and simply make all the arangements for the promotion they have in mind. Either way, the single company promotion is a cost-effective way for you to publicize your entry into the Austrian market.

For more information about the Single Company Promotion, please contact Office Manager Manfred Weinschenk.