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EBSA News Release: [05/14/2003]
Contact Name: Kathleen Harrington
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676

Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao Applauds Passage of Retirement Security Bill

Urges Senate to Improve Retirement Security for Workers

WASHINGTON—Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao today applauded the quick action of the House of Representatives in passing legislation that strengthens and protects the retirement security of America’s workforce.

Chao said, “In light of past corporate scandals, we must improve workers’ confidence that their retirement savings will be secure under these new protections. Today’s workforce has evolved into a nation of investors and this legislation provides the tools for realizing their retirement dreams.

“Congress made a down payment on improving retirement security when it passed a portion of President Bush’s Retirement Security Plan. This bill, coupled with last year’s pension reforms, will provide workers with greater choice, confidence and control over their retirement plans.”

Last year Congress passed two of the President’s key reforms. Those reforms guarantee workers the right to receive a 30-day notice prior to a pension plan blackout period and ensure that senior corporate executives are subject to the same restrictions as average workers.

H.R. 1000, which passed the House with bi-partisan support, would give workers more freedom to diversify investments, provide better information through 401(k) and pension plan statements, and give employees access to professionals on investment advice.

Chao urged the Senate to act quickly to pass this important legislation so more workers can enjoy a secure retirement future.

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