Addressing the Needs of the Uninsured in a Challenging Economic Environment

Slide Presentation by Autumn Dawn Galbreath, M.D.

On March 14, 2002, Autumn Dawn Galbreath, M.D., made a presentation in a Web-assisted teleconference at Session 3, which was entitled "Stretching Scarce Resources: State Strategies to Design Effective, Affordable Benefit Packages."

This is the text version of Dr. Galbreath's slide presentation. Select to access the PowerPoint® slides (840 KB).

Stretching Scarce Resources: State Strategies to Design Effective, Affordable Benefit Packages

Autumn Dawn Galbreath, M.D.
University of Texas Disease Management Center

Slide No. 1

Introduction to Disease Management (DM)

Slide No. 2

Important Characteristics

Slide No. 3

"Management Soup"

Slide No. 4

Does It Work?

The "literature is now replete with titles in DM, quality improvement, and clinical practice improvement, but...there is not much evidence that {these}...improve efficiency in the care process for the disease."9

9-Curtiss F. Lessons learned from projects in disease management in ambulatory care. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997;54:2217-29.

Slide No. 5

Summary of the Literature

Slide No. 6

Remaining Questions

Slide No. 7

South Texas CHF Demonstration Project

Slide No. 8

Disease Selection

Slide No. 9

Barriers to DM

Slide No. 10

Lessons Learned

Slide No. 11

For additional information, contact:

Autumn Dawn Galbreath, MD
University of Texas Disease Management Center
4243 Piedras Drive East Slide No. 240
San Antonio, Texas 78228
(210)567-9700 (office)
(210)756-8184 (pager)

Slide No. 12

Disease Management in Uninsured Populations

Current as of July 2002

Internet Citation

Stretching Scarce Resources: State Strategies to Design Effective, Affordable Benefit Packages. Presentation by Autumn Dawn Galbreath at Web-Assisted Teleconference, "Addressing the Needs of the Uninsured in a Challenging Economic Environment". July 2002. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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