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Development of a Novel Virus Capture System Using Positively Charged Silica Matrix

EPA Contract Number: EPD06086
Title: Development of a Novel Virus Capture System Using Positively Charged Silica Matrix
Investigators: Hsu, Fu-Chih
Small Business: Scientific Methods, Inc.
EPA Contact: Manager, SBIR Program
Phase: II
Project Period: April 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007
Project Amount: $224,929
RFA: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Phase II (2005)
Research Category: Drinking Water , Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) , SBIR - Drinking Water Treatment and Monitoring


The objective of this Phase II research project is to build upon the successful feasibility study completed during Phase I and complete the research required to commercialize functionalized silica beds for virus detection and point-of-use treatment applications. The primary objectives are to develop two products: (1) a virus “capture-and-release” bead for use in human enteric virus and coliphage monitoring, and (2) a “capture-only” bead for point-of-use treatment applications. The research will focus on assessing the compatibility of eluates generated using the “capture and release” bead with downstream enumerative assays (both culture-based and molecular-based assays will be evaluated using waters seeded with human enteric viruses). In addition, the research will focus on validation of the “capture-only” bead for point-of-use water treatment and optimization of methods for commercial-scale bead production (more than 1 kg of functionalized beads per batch). Two silica formulations will be produced and validated for virus concentration and point-of-use treatment applications. The functionalized silica beads that will be synthesized during Phase II research will have several commercial applications as low-cost human enteric virus and viral indicator (coliphage) concentration/detection products and for incorporation into personal water purification devices.

Supplemental Keywords:

small business, SBIR, EPA, virus capture system, virus detection, silica matrix, adenoviruses, caliciviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, filter, water, wastewater security, drinking water, monitoring, point-of-use water treatment, water purification, , POLLUTANTS/TOXICS, Water, Scientific Discipline, RFA, Drinking Water, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Chemistry, Microorganisms, adenoviruses, drinking water contaminants, calciviruses, electrostatic attraction virus capture, silica matrix, CCL, echoviruses, viruses, water disinfection, silicate sorbent, drinking water treatment, contaminant candidate list
SBIR Phase I:

Development of a Novel Virus Capture System Using Positively Charged Silica Matrix

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