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Program Overview
Services/Products Provided
Why Choose GSA?

Program Overview
The General Services Administration (GSA) through the Public Buildings Service (PBS) is responsible for promoting the effective use of federal real property assets. GSA's Office of Real Property Disposal is responsible for managing the utilization and disposal of Federal excess and surplus real property government-wide. Unless otherwise delegated, Federal agencies must report excess real property to the GSA for disposal under the Property Act.

With thousands of properties in our portfolio, disposing of underused property is a considerable task. Working together with partner federal agencies, state and local governments, non-profit organizations, business groups, and citizens, we have a lasting positive impact on communities by making valuable government real estate available for numerous public purposes.

These former federal properties can contribute to a community's vitality by providing benefits such as:

  • Expanded employment opportunities
  • Increased tax base
  • Housing for the homeless
  • Establishment of educational centers, parks, and open spaces

Properties that are not conveyed to eligible recipients for a public purpose are sold by competitive bid to private individuals.

Unneeded or underused federal property can vary widely in type and value, and may include: Undeveloped land, Commercial and industrial facilities, Office buildings, Military holdings Warehouses, and Single-and multi-family residences.

Property may be located in any of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the U.S. Pacific Territories.

Services/Products Provided to Federal Agencies
At PBS Property Disposal, our job is to make your job easier, enabling you to work smart while we put our resources to task for you. Our goal is to
encourage cost effective utilization and disposal of Federal property by offering the following range of services and activities to other Federal agencies:

  • Real estate consulting assistance
  • Surveys to enhance asset utilization
  • Transfer of excess properties for further Federal utilization
  • Relocation services
  • Disposals of surplus property
  • Appraisals
  • Property inspections
  • Redeployment decisions
  • Base closure assistance
In addition to these tangible services, we bring the following conceptual resources to bear on your behalf:
  • Full understanding of complex Federal disposal process laws and regulations
  • Established Federal contacts and relationships
  • Comprehensive marketing expertise
  • Local market analysis through our Regional Offices
  • Ready information access through the internet

Why Choose GSA?
GSA is the largest public real estate organization in the country. Our inventory comprises over 1,500 government-owned buildings with 352 million square
feet of workspace for 1.1 million federal employees in 2,200 communities. At GSA, we serve federal agencies only, thus mitigating any potential conflicts of interest.

Unlike commercial entities, our access to the decision makers is without equal, and we represent you in all facets of the transaction with potential buyers, the local community, environmental regulators and state and congressional representatives.

GSA aims to be the provider of choice for federal agencies to help you use real estate more efficiently and to leverage the value of your real property portfolio.

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