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Department of Commerce Performance and Accountability Report
Fiscal Year 2007

Financial Section

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Note 5. Loans Receivable and Related Foreclosed Property, Net


Note 5 is broken down into the following sections:


The Department operates the following direct loan and loan guarantee programs:

Direct Loan Programs
Bureau Direct Loan Program
EDA Drought Loan Portfolio
EDA Economic Development Revolving Fund
NOAA Alaska Purse Seine Fishery Buyback Loans 1
NOAA Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Non-Pollock Buyback Loans
NOAA Bering Sea Pollock Fishery Buyback
NOAA Coastal Energy Impact Program (CEIP)
NOAA Crab Buyback Loans
NOAA Federal Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Buyback Loans 1
NOAA Fisheries Finance Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Loans
NOAA Fisheries Finance Traditional Loans
NOAA Fisheries Finance Tuna Fleet Loans
NOAA Fisheries Loan Fund
NOAA New England Groundfish Buyback Loans 1
NOAA New England Lobster Buyback Loans 1
NOAA Pacific Groundfish Buyback Loans
1 No loans have been issued under these programs as of September 30, 2007. (back)

Loan Guarantee Programs
Bureau Loan Guarantee Program
EDA Economic Development Revolving Fund
ELGP-Oil/Gas Emergency Oil and Gas Loan Guarantee Program
ELGP-Steel Emergency Steel Loan Guarantee Program
NOAA Fishing Vessel Obligation Guarantee Program (FVOG Program)

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The net assets for the Department’s loan programs consist of:

Net Assets for Department Loan Programs
(In Thousands)
  FY 2007 FY 2006
Direct Loans Obligated Prior to FY 1992 $ 34,961 $ 36,812
Direct Loans Obligated After FY 1991  479,967  417,202
Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Pre-FY 1992 Guarantees        4        4
Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Post-FY 1991 Guarantees    4,922
single underline
single underline
Total $519,854
double underline
double underline

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Direct Loans Obligated Prior to FY 1992 consist of:

Direct Loans Obligated Prior to FY 1992
FY 2007
(In Thousands)
Loan Program
Allowance for
Loan Losses
Value of Assets
Related to
Direct Loans, Net
CEIP $21,240 $4,892 $(17,401) $ 8,731
Drought Loan Portfolio  17,389    220     (177)  17,432
Economic Development Revolving Fund   8,807     77      (86)   8,798
Fisheries Loan Fund     354
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $47,790
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline

Direct Loans Obligated Prior to FY 1992
FY 2006
(In Thousands)
Loan Program
Allowance for
Loan Losses
Value of Assets
Related to
Direct Loans, Net
CEIP $21,752 $4,734 $(21,060) $ 5,426
Drought Loan Portfolio  20,883    257     (211)  20,929
Economic Development Revolving Fund  10,469     93     (105)  10,457
Fisheries Loan Fund     474
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $53,578
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline

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Direct Loans Obligated After FY 1991 consist of:

Direct Loans Obligated After FY 1991
FY 2007
(In Thousands)
Direct Loan Program Loans
Allowance for
Subsidy Cost
(Present Value)
Value of Assets
Related to
Direct Loans, Net
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Non-Pollock Buyback Loans $ 35,000 $  712 $ 8,734 $ 44,446
Bering Sea Pollock Fishery Buyback   53,935      -   4,142   58,077
Crab Buyback Loans   97,163  3,134  13,506  113,803
Fisheries Finance IFQ Loans   16,851    131   3,317   20,299
Fisheries Finance Traditional Loans  155,931  1,515  32,192  189,638
Fisheries Finance Tuna Fleet Loans    7,005     56     900    7,961
Pacific Groundfish Buyback Loans   35,354
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $401,239
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline

Direct Loans Obligated After FY 1991
FY 2006
(In Thousands)
Direct Loan Program Loans
Allowance for
Subsidy Cost
(Present Value)
Value of Assets
Related to
Direct Loans, Net
Bering Sea Pollock Fishery Buyback $ 57,969 $   11 $ 5,632 $ 63,612
Crab Buyback Loans   97,162  3,136  27,936  128,234
Fisheries Finance IFQ Loans   16,954    158   2,798   19,910
Fisheries Finance Traditional Loans  133,498    841  21,017  155,356
Fisheries Finance Tuna Fleet Loans   11,204     99   1,443   12,746
Pacific Groundfish Buyback Loans   35,609
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $352,396
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline

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New Disbursements of Direct Loans (Post-FY 1991):

New Disbursements of Direct Loans (Post-FY 1991)
(In Thousands)
Direct Loan Program FY 2007 FY 2006
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Non-Pollock Buyback Loans $35,000 $     -
Fisheries Finance IFQ Loans   1,564   3,155
Fisheries Finance Traditional Loans  47,441
single underline
single underline
Total $84,005
double underline
double underline

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Subsidy Expense for Direct Loans by Program and Component:

Subsidy Expense for New Disbursements of Direct Loans:

Subsidy Expense for New Disbursements of Direct Loans
FY 2007
(In Thousands)
Direct Loan Program Interest
Defaults Fees and
Other Total
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Non-Pollock Buyback Loans $      -  $  - $   -  $  350 $   350 
Fisheries Finance IFQ Loans     (299)    9   (11)    119    (182)
Fisheries Finance Traditional Loans   (6,206)
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $ (6,505)
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline

Subsidy Expense for New Disbursements of Direct Loans
FY 2006
(In Thousands)
Direct Loan Program Interest
Defaults Fees and
Other Total
Fisheries Finance IFQ Loans $   (641) $ 21 $ (21) $  216 $  (426)
Fisheries Finance Traditional Loans   (9,761)
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $(10,402)
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline

Modifications and Reestimates:

Modifications and Reestimates
FY 2007
(In Thousands)
Direct Loan Program Total
Interest Rate
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Non-Pollock Buyback Loans $    - $   -  $  8,119  $  8,119 
Bering Sea Pollock Fishery Buyback      -     -      (968)     (968)
Crab Buyback Loans      (15,974)  (15,974)
Fisheries Finance IFQ Loans      -     -       523       523 
Fisheries Finance Traditional Loans      -     -     9,555     9,555 
Fisheries Finance Tuna Fleet Loans      -     -      (343)     (343)
Pacific Groundfish Buyback Loans      -
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $    -
double underline
$   - 
double underline
$ 10,216 
double underline
$ 10,216 
double underline

Modifications and Reestimates
FY 2006
(In Thousands)
Direct Loan Program Total
Interest Rate
Bering Sea Pollock Fishery Buyback $    - $   -  $    228  $    228 
Crab Buyback Loans       (6,437)   (6,437)
Fisheries Finance IFQ Loans      -     -        (66)        (66) 
Fisheries Finance Traditional Loans      -  (460)   (7,289)   (7,749)
Fisheries Finance Tuna Fleet Loans      -     -       (28)      (28)
Pacific Groundfish Buyback Loans      -
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $    -
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline


Total Direct Loan Subsidy Expense:

Total Direct Loan Subsidy Expense
(In Thousands)
Direct Loan Program FY 2007 FY 2006
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Non-Pollock Buyback Loans $ 8,470  $      - 
Bering Sea Pollock Fishery Buyback    (968)      228 
Crab Buyback Loans (15,974)   (6,437)
Fisheries Finance IFQ Loans     340      (492)
Fisheries Finance Traditional Loans   5,353   (13,786)
Fisheries Finance Tuna Fleet Loans    (343)      (28)
Pacific Groundfish Buyback Loans   9,304 
single underline
single underline
Total $ 6,182 
double underline
double underline

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Subsidy Rates for Direct Loans by Program and Component:

Budget Subsidy Rates for Direct Loans for the Current Fiscal-year's Cohorts:

Budget Subsidy Rates for Direct Loans
FY 2007
Direct Loan Program Interest Rate
Defaults Fees and
Other Total
Fisheries Finance IFQ Loans (18.88)%  0.37% (0.71)% 11.14%  (8.08)%
Fisheries Finance Traditional Loans (13.56)%  0.23% (0.70)%  6.02%  (8.01)%

Budget Subsidy Rates for Direct Loans
FY 2006
Direct Loan Program Interest Rate
Defaults Fees and
Other Total
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Non-Pollock Buyback Loan      - %     -%     - %  1.00%   1.00 %
Fisheries Finance IFQ Loans (18.88)%  0.37% (0.71)%  7.34% (11.88)%
Fisheries Finance Traditional Loans (12.10)%  0.23% (0.70)%  4.50%  (8.07)%

The budget subsidy rates disclosed pertain only to the reporting period’s cohorts. These rates cannot be applied to the new disbursements of direct loans during the reporting period to yield the subsidy expense. The subsidy expense for new disbursements of direct loans for the reporting period could result from disbursements of loans from both the reporting period’s cohorts and prior fiscal-year(s) cohorts. The subsidy expense for the reporting period may also include modifications and reestimates.

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Schedule for Reconciling Allowance for Subsidy Cost (Post-FY 1991 Direct Loans):

Schedule for Reconciling Allowance for Subsidy Cost (Post-FY 1991 Direct Loans)
(In Thousands)
  FY 2007 FY 2006
Beginning Balance of the Allowance for Subsidy Cost $59,403  $37,589 
Add Subsidy Expense for Direct Loans Disbursed During the Reporting Years by Component:    
Interest Rate Differential Costs   6,505   10,402 
Default Costs (Net of Recoveries)    (123)    (634)
Fees and Other Collections     340      488 
Other Subsidy Costs  (2,688)
single underline
single underline
Total of the above Subsidy Expense Components   4,034    6,463 
Fees Received    (358)    (359)
Subsidy Allowance Amortization       4   (3,075)
Other  (1,271)
single underline
single underline
Ending Balance of the Allowance for Subsidy Cost Before Reestimates  61,812   43,668 
Add or Subtract Subsidy Reestimates by Component:    
Interest Rate Reestimates       -      460 
Technical/Default Reestimates  10,216 
single underline
single underline
Total of the above Reestimate Components  10,216 
single underline
single underline
Ending Balance of the Allowance for Subsidy Cost $72,028 
double underline
double underline

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Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Pre-FY 1992 Guarantees:

Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Pre-FY 1992 Guarantees
FY 2007
(In Thousands)
Loan Guarantee
Guaranteed Loans
Receivable, Gross
Allowance for
Loan Losses
Value of Assets
Related to Defaulted
Guaranteed Loans
Receivable, Net
FVOG Program $12,209
double underline
$  5
double underline
double underline
$    4
double underline

Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Pre-FY 1992 Guarantees
FY 2006
(In Thousands)
Loan Guarantee
Guaranteed Loans
Receivable, Gross
Allowance for
Loan Losses
Value of Assets
Related to Defaulted
Guaranteed Loans
Receivable, Net
FVOG Program $12,537
double underline
$  5
double underline
double underline
$    4
double underline

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Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Post-FY 1991 Guarantees:

Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Post-FY 1991 Guarantees
FY 2007
(In Thousands)
Loan Guarantee
Guaranteed Loans
Receivable, Gross
Allowance for
Subsidy Cost
(Present Value)
Value of Assets
Related to Defaulted
Guaranteed Loans
Receivable, Net
FVOG Program $17,661
double underline
double underline
$  526
double underline
double underline
$ 4,922
double underline

Defaulted Guaranteed Loans from Post-FY 1991 Guarantees
FY 2006
(In Thousands)
Loan Guarantee
Guaranteed Loans
Receivable, Gross
Allowance for
Subsidy Cost
(Present Value)
Value of Assets
Related to Defaulted
Guaranteed Loans
Receivable, Net
Emergency Steel Loan Guarantee Program $   500 $   38 $    - $ 2,218  $ 2,756
FVOG Program  15,446
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $15,946
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline

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Loan Guarantees:

Guaranteed Loans Outstanding:

Outstanding non-acquired guaranteed loans as of September 30, 2007 and 2006, which are not reflected in the financial statements, are as follows:

Outstanding Non-acquired Guaranteed Disbursed Loans Not Reflected in the Financial Statements
As of September 30, 2007 and 2006
(In Thousands)
Loan Guarantee
FY 2007 FY 2006
Principal of
Guaranteed Loans,
Face Value
Amount of
Principal of
Guaranteed Loans,
Face Value
Amount of
Emergency Steel Loan Guarantee Program $149,900 $131,912 $199,900 $175,912
FVOG Program   12,673
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $162,573
double underline
double underline
double underline
double underline


New Guaranteed Loans Disbursed:

There were no new guaranteed loans disbursed during FY 2007 and FY 2006.


Loan Guarantee Liabilities:

Loan Guarantee Liabilities
(In Thousands)
Loan Guarantee
FY 2007 FY 2006
Loan Guarantee
Liabilities for Post-
FY 1991 Guarantees,
Present Value
Loan Guarantee
Liabilities for Post-
FY 1991 Guarantees,
Present Value
Emergency Oil and Gas Loan Guarantee Program $     - $   245
Emergency Steel Loan Guarantee Program  54,734  67,652
FVOG Program     998
single underline
single underline
Total $55,732
double underline
double underline

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Subsidy Expense for Loan Guarantees by Program and Component:

Subsidy Expense for New Loan Guarantees Disbursed:

As there were no new loan guarantees disbursed during FY 2007 and FY 2006, there is not any related subsidy expense.

Modifications and Reestimates:

Modifications and Reestimates
FY 2007
(In Thousands)
Loan Guarantee
Interest Rate
Emergency Oil and Gas
Loan Guarantee Program
$      -  $    - $   (253) $   (253)
Emergency Steel Loan
Guarantee Program
 (18,910)      -    2,739     2,739 
FVOG Program        - 
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $(18,910)
double underline
$    -
double underline
$  1,164 
double underline
$  1,164 
double underline

Modifications and Reestimates
FY 2006
(In Thousands)
Loan Guarantee
Interest Rate
Emergency Oil and Gas
Loan Guarantee Program
$      -  $    - $    (64) $    (64)
Emergency Steel Loan
Guarantee Program
     (12)      -  (13,598)  (13,598)
FVOG Program        - 
single underline
single underline
single underline
single underline
Total $    (12)
double underline
$    -
double underline
double underline
double underline

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Total Loan Guarantee Subsidy Expense:

Total Loan Guarantee Subsidy Expense
(In Thousands)
Loan Guarantee Program FY 2007 FY 2006
Emergency Oil and Gas Loan Guarantee Program $   (253) $    (64)
Emergency Steel Loan Guarantee Program  (16,171)  (13,610)
FVOG Program   (1,322)
single underline
single underline
Total $(17,746)
double underline
double underline

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Subsidy Rates for Loan Guarantees by Program and Component:

Budget Subsidy Rates for Loan Guarantees for the Current Fiscal-year’s Cohorts:

There were no new cohorts of guaranteed loans during FY 2007 and FY 2006.

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Schedule for Reconciling Loan Guarantee Liabilities (Post-FY 1991 Loan Guarantees):

Schedule for Reconciling Loan Guarantee Liabilities (Post-FY 1991 Loan Guarantees)
(In Thousands)
  FY 2007 FY 2006
Beginning Balance of Loan Guarantee Liabilities $73,675  $81,812 
Loan Guarantee Modifications (18,910)     (12)
Fees Received      63      204 
Interest Accumulation on the Liabilities Balance    (710)   3,103 
Other   4,934 
single underline
single underline
Ending Balance of Loan Guarantee Liabilities Before Reestimates  59,052   85,108 
Add or Subtract Subsidy Reestimates by Component:    
Technical/Default Reestimates    (662)
single underline
single underline
Total of the above Reestimate Components    (662)
single underline
single underline
Transfer of Subsidy Cost for Defaulted Guaranteed Loans to Loans
Receivable and Related Foreclosed Property, Net
single underline
single underline
Ending Balance of Loan Guarantee Liabilities $55,732 
double underline
double underline

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Administrative Expenses:

 Administrative expenses in support of the Department’s direct loan and loan guarantee programs consist of:

Direct Loan Program Administrative Expenses
(In Thousands)
Direct Loan Program FY 2007 FY 2006
Drought Loan Portfolio and Economic Development Revolving Fund $  925 $1,248
NOAA Direct Loan Programs  1,037
single underline
single underline
Total $1,962
double underline
double underline

Loan Guarantee Program Administrative Expenses
(In Thousands)
Loan Guarantee Program FY 2007 FY 2006
Emergency Oil and Gas Loan Guarantee Program $    4 $(13)
Emergency Steel Loan Guarantee Program    857  119 
FVOG Program     88
single underline
single underline
Total $  949
double underline
double underline

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