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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

State Long-term Care Programs: Balancing Cost, Quality, and Access


All presentations at this workshop on State long-term care programs can be accessed below. Both PowerPoint® slides and accessible versions with text and images are available. For full descriptions of each slide, select "Alternative Text Descriptor."

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Projecting Need for Long-term Care: Estimating the Potential HCBS Population
(PowerPoint® Slides, 296 KB; Text Version)
Lisa Alecxih, Center on Long-term Care, The Lewin Group

Independent Choices: An Experiment in Consumer Direction
(PowerPoint® Slides, 2.3 MB; Text Version)
Sandra Barrett, Assistant Director, Arkansas Division of Aging and Adult Services

State Finances: Recent Trends and Outlook
(PowerPoint® Slides, 181 KB; Text Version)
Donald J. Boyd, Deputy Director, Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government

User Liaison Program (ULP): Bridging the Gap Between Researchers and Policymakers
(PowerPoint® Slides, 100 KB; Text Version)
Marcia Clark, User Liaison Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Federal/State Partnerships for Long-term Care: Next Steps
(PowerPoint® Slides, 119 KB; Text Version)
Mary Jean Duckett, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Federal Quality Assurance and Improvement Initiatives
(PowerPoint® Slides, 174 KB; Text Version)
Mary Jean Duckett, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Development of Home Care Quality Indicators Based on the Minimum Data Set for Home Care (MDS-HC)
(PowerPoint® Slides, 836 KB; Text Version)
Brant E. Fries, Ph.D., University of Michigan

Family Care: Options for Long-term Care
(PowerPoint® Slides, 171 KB; Text Version)
Judith Frye, Director, Center for Delivery Systems Development and Health Services

Quality Indicators for Home and Community-Based Services
(PowerPoint® Slides, 224 KB; Text Version)
Scott Miyake Geron, Ph.D., Boston University School of Social Work

Assuring Nursing Home Quality: Divining Effective Models of Regulation
(PowerPoint® Slides, 163 KB; Text Version)
Catherine Hawes, Ph.D., School of Rural Public Health, Texas A&M University System Health Science Center

Development of the Oregon Long-term Care (LTC) System: Making the System Work in Hard Times
(PowerPoint® Slides, 56 KB; Text Version)
Richard Ladd, Ed.M., Ladd and Associates

Culture, Costs, and Quality: The Future of Long-term Care
(PowerPoint® Slides, 426 KB; Text Version)
Charles Phillips, Ph.D., M.P.H., Health Policy and Management, School of Rural Public Health, Texas A&M University System Health Science Center

Managing Demand for Long-term Care Services During Times of Economic Crisis
(PowerPoint® Slides, 825 KB; Text Version)
Charles A Reed, Former Deputy Secretary, Washington Department of Social and Health Services

The Impact of Workforce Shortages on Cost, Quality and Access: How Should We Respond
(PowerPoint® Slides, 273 KB; Text Version)
Edward Salsberg, Executive Director, Center for Health Workforce Studies

The Economic and Fiscal Climate: The Impact on State Budgets, Medicaid and Long-term Care
(PowerPoint® Slides, 519 KB; Text Version)
Vernon K. Smith, Ph.D., Health Management Associates

The Impact of Workforce Shortages on Cost, Quality and Access: How Should We Respond?
(PowerPoint® Slides, 134 KB; Text Version)
Robyn I. Stone, Dr. P.H., Executive Director, Institute for the Future of Aging Services

Cost-Benefit, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, and An Application to Home Care
(PowerPoint® Slides, 222 KB; Text Version)
William Weissert, Professor and Chair, Department of Health Management and Policy, School of Public Health, University of Michigan

Current as of September 2002

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