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Description of Cost Data from State Self-Evaluations of Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) Deployments
(October 2003 to October 2005)

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Report Prepared
February 20, 2006

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Washington, DC 20590

505 King Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693

Contract No. DTFH61-02-C-00134
Task Order BA34009

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To help states track their own progress in deploying Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) technologies, a self-evaluation requirement was included in the partnership agreements between the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and individual states. This self-evaluation was tied to the U.S. DOT's support of infrastructure deployment and R&D in cooperation with the states. One purpose of the self-evaluation reports is to encourage—through the sharing of timely information—the widespread deployment of technologies that offer tangible benefits in safety, efficiency, and cost for both roadside (electronic screening and safety information exchange) and administrative (credentialing) operations related to commercial vehicles.

Data Collection

To assist states in completing their self-evaluation reports, and to help ensure that the data reported would be comparable across states for use in federal planning and analysis, three data collection forms or templates were developed and tested: Deployment, Costs, and Benefits/Lessons Learned. The deployment template covered the types and quantities of equipment deployed, the functions, operations, and features in place and planned within each state's CVISN deployment, and the scope of commercial vehicle operations in each state (e.g., populations of vehicles, numbers of motor carriers, numbers of inspection sites, and volume of inspections per year). The cost template covered the one-time start-up costs to deploy CVISN technologies, including state employee and contracted labor, purchased equipment, materials, services, and software; fees paid to associations or administrators involved in CVISN data management; and annual labor and operations/maintenance costs to continue using the CVISN technologies once they are deployed. States could provide either actual or estimated costs. For annual costs, they were asked to report data from the most recent 12-month period. Costs were intended to reflect all costs incurred by the state government in the course of the deployment, regardless of whether the funds originated within the state, through a federal grant or match, or from some other funding source. The benefits/lessons learned template covered open-ended, qualitative topics, such as technical challenges, institutional issues, tangible benefits observed, and recommendations for other states and future deployment phases. The original cost template is attached to this report.

A password-protected web site interface for state CVISN program managers and their teams to use in populating the CVISN self-evaluation database was announced in late 2003. Once a state had entered its data and marked the templates as complete and verified, the data were added to a data review module on the same web site, in raw data and summary format, for other state CVISN program managers and their teams to review and analyze. States are welcome to add, modify, and update their self-evaluation reports at any time. Approximately 20 states have completed all three templates. State-identifiable self-evaluation data have not been released to the public.

Public Data Summary

The purpose of this report is to document the process for aggregating and summarizing the cost data to be posted for public view on the U.S. DOT's Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Unit Costs Database web site, To avoid revealing any state's specific cost data, which may involve proprietary contractual or competitive information not intended for public release, the data exported from the self-evaluation database to the ITS Unit Costs Database are anonymous. All cost data in the self-evaluation database were considered, whether or not a state had marked its template as complete.

Method of Summarizing

The cost data included in this report were downloaded from the self-evaluation database (operated and maintained by Oak Ridge National Laboratory on behalf of the ITS Joint Program Office) in October 2005. States may have entered or modified their data on the templates at any time between 2003 and 2005. The downloaded database in MS Access format was processed using SAS to sort and arrange the records and to extract the relevant information fields, and then exported to MS Excel for presentation.

Response Rates. For any question or item on the templates, various numbers of states may have responded. Table 1 shows, in descending order of frequency, the distribution of the numbers of responses across all of the 69 cost categories or cost elements representing 396 cost records included in this report. For example, Table 1 shows that 14 of the 69 cost elements (questions) had only two data points or states reporting, and 12 cost elements had three states reporting.

Table 1. Distribution of Response Rates for All Reported Cost Elements
Frequency of Each "N" Value N (Number of Responses per Question)
14 2
12 3
9 4

The maximum number of responses for any single question was 18. Most questions had between 2 and 11 responses. Blank or zero values were excluded from the summary, as were any questions or cost elements for which the database contained only one response. Also, any apparently erroneous values (e.g., when a state listed a total statewide cost instead of a unit cost, such as $137,000 for one desktop personal computer or $250,000 for one laptop computer) were excluded from the analysis. Like the self-evaluation database, the ITS Unit Costs Database segregates capital (one-time) and recurring operating and maintenance (O&M) costs. Labor costs are also divided between one-time start-up labor and recurring (annual) labor.

Selection of Low and High Cost Values. The structure of the ITS Unit Costs Database as posted on the web allows any cost element to have two values associated with it: a low cost and a high cost. To arrive at these two values, several approaches were considered, including

It was decided that the two values should be within the range; that is the values should not be calculated or derived (as a mean or average might be). Many of the cost elements had extremely high and extremely low values within a range; and, as noted, the number of states responding to any given question was low. Therefore, to select the low and high cost values from within each range, an analyst determined the 25th and 75th percentiles (first and third quartiles). Then the analyst reviewed each range of values visually to confirm that those two quartile values represented fair and realistic low and high costs. In the many cases where the true quartile boundary fell between two values in the range, the more central of the two values on either side of the quartile point, i.e., the two values adjacent to the boundary point and closer to the median of the range, were chosen. This approach took extreme values into account without allowing them to overwhelm the more moderate values.

In instances where only two to four states responded, the following data selection conventions were observed:

Two examples are given below. For each range, the values chosen as low and high for reporting in the ITS Unit Costs Database are shown in boldface. In electronic credentialing, out of 13 states reporting, the range for state employee labor ($) for new software development (Question 8a) was as follows:


Out of 10 states reporting, the range for contractor labor ($) for new software development (Question 8c) was as follows:


Variability in the Data. For such highly variable datasets, with relatively small numbers of states reporting, the method selected is believed to be sound and reasonably reflective of the underlying source data. In the cost summary tables below, notes in the "Description" column indicate those cost elements that, like the two examples shown above, have extraordinarily wide variability from the minimum to the maximum, and where individual states may have reported costs that are widely different from the representative high and low values shown. Specifically, cost elements 7b, 8a, 8c, 16c, 19d, and 22c are designated in this way.

As another example of the variability in the data, some states perform all software development in-house, while others purchase software ready to install from vendors, purchase a basic package from a vendor and then have in-house programmers customize the software, or hire contractors or consultants to develop their software. The cost template requested separate cost values for state employee labor, contractor labor, and purchased software, which could each be highly variable, depending on the software development approach taken in that state. Thus, when evaluating the data for any given cost element, the user should bear in mind that not all states reported costs for all elements. A given state might have spent $800k for in-house software development labor, but $0 for contractor labor. Conversely, the neighboring state might have spent $0 for in-house (state employee) software development labor, but $800k for contractor labor.

For some labor cost elements, when a number of states reported labor hours as well as labor dollars, the "description" column of the cost summary lists an approximate range of full-time equivalents as reported, as a related point of reference and scale.

Equipment Service Life. Service life values (expressed in years) were the median values from among all of the values reported in each range. In cases where there were equal numbers of predicted life values—for example, two 4s and two 5s—the analyst rounded up to the 5-year service life.

Data Description and Qualifications/Exceptional Cases

The purpose of the CVISN infrastructure deployment program is to provide a unified structure or architecture within which each state can plan, develop, and deploy software and hardware systems customized to that state's commercial vehicle operations and regulatory climate. Therefore, states enjoy wide latitude in selecting their own ways of participating in the CVISN program. This variability from state to state is reflected in the cost data.

The data presented in the ITS Unit Costs Database are organized around the three functions within CVISN, namely

Within each functional area, the start-up costs are presented first, followed by the annual or recurring costs.

Table 2 below presents the summary cost data (low and high costs only) to be imported into the ITS Unit Costs Database on the U.S. DOT web site. The cost date values shown for each cost element represent the year that each dollar value was reported by the state; however, in cases where the low and high values were reported in different years, rounding was used to arrive at a single cost date value. For example, if the low cost was reported in 2004 and the high cost was reported in 2005, then the two answers were rounded up, and 2005 was shown in Table 2. If one cost was reported in 2003 and the other in 2005, then again the higher or more recent value of 2005 was shown in Table 2. No escalation, inflation, or other adjustment to account for varying reporting years has been performed on the dollar values shown in Table 2.

Table 3 below presents all of the raw data used in this analysis of the CVISN self-evaluation data. The question numbers and sub-numbers in both tables refer to the identifying labels used in the original data collection templates (Attachment 1). The Flag values in Table 3 denote the two values in each cost element range chosen as the high (H) and low (L) cost values. Within each cost element or category, the reported costs are presented in descending order, with the greatest cost values at the top of each range.

The Function values refer to electronic credentialing (EC), safety information exchange (SIE), and electronic screening (ES). The values in the last column denote whether the reported cost is a one-time, start-up cost (S), or a recurring, annual cost (A).

Most of the values shown in this analysis are as reported by the states and are expressed in per-state (one-time) or per-state-per-year terms. In the case of electronic credentialing, however, it was decided to standardize the displayed values according to some common measures of credentialing activity, to more easily compare the data across states of varying sizes and operations. In the responses to Questions 9b through 10b (IRP credentialing) and Questions 11b through 12c (IFTA credentialing), the values are displayed in terms of dollars per thousand accounts reported, for IRP and IFTA programs respectively. The underlying basis values (numbers of accounts per state and total annual dollars per state) used to calculate the displayed values are shown in Table 3.

One of the benefits of CVISN is the unification of various commercial vehicle operations (CVO) activities under a single architecture for efficient sharing of data within and among states. Therefore, the division of the cost data into the three CVISN functional areas is somewhat artificial. For example, a state might develop a CVIEW (Commercial Vehicle Information Exchange Window) application that pulls data from that state's credentialing and roadside inspection operations for use in real-time electronic screening decisions at mainline speeds. This single software application could, in fact, be used for all three CVISN functions. Respondents were asked to make sure that they counted the development costs for such multi-functional software and equipment only once.

In two cases, anomalous values might have caused unreasonable results to be displayed. For Question 11a, annual membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse, the predominant answer was $1,000 (nine out of 13 states reporting). However, three states reported higher amounts: $5,000, $11,000, and $18,000. According to the IFTA Clearinghouse, the fee is a flat $1,000 per jurisdiction, so the three highest values were disregarded, and $1,000 was used as both the low and high cost.

For Question 21c, contractor labor for electronic screening software development, only three states responded, with values of

Normally with three states responding, the minimum and maximum values would have been chosen for display. In this one instance, however, the value of $630,000 was considered anomalous; the other two values were chosen as the high and low cost values.

Table 2. Summary Data from CVISN Self-Evaluation (as of October 2005)
Q# Sub# Subsystem/Unit Cost Element Lifetime Yrs Capital Low $k Capital High $k Cost Date O&M Low $k/yr O&M High $k/yr Cost Date Description
Commercial Vehicle Electronic Credentialing/Admin.
6 a Computer network server for EC 4 7.5 55 2004       Each
6 b Personal computer (desktop or laptop) for EC administration 4 1.6 3 2005       Each
6 c Supplies and materials for EC outreach, internal and external publicity, training, other deployment support   1 21 2003       Per state, consumables for publicity, training, and other deployment support
6 d Bar code readers for law enforcement for EC   0.5 0.8 2004       Each
7 a EC software purchased for back-end admin 5 40 74 2004       Per state, for database management and data processing or reporting
7 b EC software purchased for front-end interface 5 72 261 2005       Per state, for user interface and data entry. Depending on the functionality of the interface being developed, the cost could be much higher or much lower than the range shown.
8 a State employee labor for new EC software devel   72 250 2005       Per state. For states also reporting hours, FTEs ranged from about 0.2 to 2.6 FTE. Depending on the functionality of the system being developed, the dollar cost could be much higher or much lower than the range shown.
8 b State employee labor for new EC hardware config   2.4 12 2003       Per state, after original hardware installation
8 c Contractor labor for new EC software development   150 902 2003       Per state. For states also reporting hours, FTEs ranged from about 1 to 3 FTE. Depending on the functionality of the system being developed, the cost could be much higher, or much lower than the range shown.
8 d Contractor labor for new EC hardware configuration   3.3 6.4 2004       Per state, after original hardware installation
8 g Labor for existing (legacy) credentialing system interface and/or modification   12 40 2004       Per state, includes state employees, contractors, vendors. For states also reporting hours, FTEs ranged from about 0.1 to 0.4 FTE.
8 h Labor for EC training   5 12 2003       Per state cost to state agency. Examples: Start-up workshops, training and publicity materials for administrators, law enforcement, and PRISM carriers
8 i Other start-up labor costs   10 40 2003       Per state, includes CVISN system architect, EC feasibility study; OS/OW permitting, program queries,IFTA/IRP program staff, maintenance, miscellaneous A&E, hardware, software, planning and facilitation, training and travel
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse (annual)         8 15 2004 Fees set by clearinghouse pro rata, based on registered power units per state
9 b Annual fees to IRP EC admin (back-end)         11 63 2003 Per thousand accounts, for third-party administrator (e.g., VISTA, Polk)
9 c Annual fees to IRP EC admin (front-end)         5 29 2004 Per thousand accounts, for third-party administrator (e.g., VISTA, Polk)
9 e Recurring costs for EC outreach ($/thousand accts.)         0.5 0.9 2004 Per thousand accounts. Outreach includes marketing, promotional, attendance at trade shows, advertising, booklets.
10 a State employee annual labor IRP credentialing (legacy)         45 159 2005 Per thousand accounts, for legacy system (pre-CVISN) labor
10 b Contractor annual labor for IRP credentialing (legacy)         6 16 2004 Per thousand accounts, for legacy system (pre-CVISN) labor
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse (annual)         1 1 2005 Fees set by clearinghouse
11 b Annual fees to IFTA EC admin (back-end)         11 33 2004 Per thousand accounts, for third-party administrator (e.g., VISTA, Polk)
11 c Annual fees to IFTA EC admin (front-end)         7 12 2004 Per thousand accounts, for third-party administrator (e.g., VISTA, Polk)
12 a State employee annual labor IFTA credentialing (legacy)         13 105 2004 Per thousand accounts, for legacy system (pre-CVISN) labor
12 c Vendor annual labor for IFTA credentialing (legacy)         1 18 2004 Per thousand accounts, for legacy system (pre-CVISN) labor
Table 2. (continued)
Q# Sub# Subsystem/Unit Cost Element Lifetime Yrs Capital Low $k Capital High $k Cost Date O&M Low $k/yr O&M High $k/yr Cost Date Description
Commercial Vehicle Safety Information Exchange
14 a Computer network server for SIE 4 5.5 25 2004       Each, includes mobile servers used in roadside enforcement
14 b Desktop personal computer for SIE 4 1.1 2 2004       Each, includes computers used at roadside check stations
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE 3 3 4 2004       Each
14 d Portable printer for mobile enforcement 4 0.3 0.4 2004       Each
14 e Wireless modem for vehicle and/or roadside use 3 0.5 0.9 2003       Each
14 f Supplies and materials for SIE outreach, training   5 5 2004       Per state, consumables for publicity and other deployment support
14 ga Router (Cisco) for SIE 5 5 12 2004       Each
14 gb T1 Lines for SIE 5 3 30 2004       Each line
15 a SIE software purchased off the shelf   6 20 2004       Per state
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development   19 118 2005       Per state; e.g., CVIEW. For states also reporting hours, FTEs ranged from about 0.2 to 2 FTE.
16 b State employee labor for new SIE hardware configuration   4.8 5 2004       Per state
16 c Contractor labor for new SIE software development   45 170 2004       Per state. Depending on the functionality of the system being developed, the cost could be much higher or much lower than the range shown.
16 g Labor for existing (legacy) SIE system interface   72 250 2005       Per state, includes state employees, contractors, vendors
16 h Labor for training for SIE system deployment   4 7.1 2004       Per state
17 b Telephone and internet annual service charges for SIE         0.5 40 2004 Per state
17 c Wireless communication annual charges for SIE         26 62 2004 Per state
18 a State employee annual labor for SIE         19 63 2004 Per state
18 b Contractor annual labor for SIE         14 40 2004 Per state
Table 2. (continued)
Q# Sub# Subsystem/Unit Cost Element Lifetime Yrs Capital Low $k Capital High $k Cost Date O&M Low $k/yr O&M High $k/yr Cost Date Description
Commercial Vehicle Elec. Screening (Preclearance)
19 a Computer network server dedicated to electronic screening 5 10 13 2004       Each
19 b Desktop PC dedicated to electronic screening 5 2.5 3 2005       Each
19 c Laptop personal computer dedicated to electronic screening 4 3 3 2004       Each
19 d Mainline (highway speed) weigh-in-motion (WIM) scale 10 60 250 2004       Each. Depending on the functionality of the equipment deployed, the cost could be much higher or much lower than the range shown. Some states reported equipment cost only; others reported installed cost, with accessories, e.g., signs, loop detectors, wiring, etc.
19 e Sorter lane (ramp speed) WIM scale 12 100 250 2003       Each
19 f ES transponder purchased by state for free distribution 5 0.01 0.05 2004       Each
19 g ES transponder purchased by state for resale 4 0.04 0.05 2004       Each
19 h Automated vehicle identification (AVI) equipment/system 10 50 99 2004       Each
19 i ES telecom. equipment (upstream to weigh station) 20 0.8 28 2004       Per state, e.g., fiber optic cable
19 j Electronic sign for weigh station 20 12 48 2004       Each, e.g., Open/Closed, directional arrows, or variable-message signs
19 k Loop detector for weigh station 20 1 6 2005       Each
19 l Upgrade of fixed-site weigh station for ES (excluding items listed above)   44 80 2004       Each. Some states reported building modifications, counters, cabinets, wiring, HVAC, structural changes to static scale building, highway poles and bases
19 m One-time start-up fees paid to ES admin   15 15 2004       Per state, e.g., PrePass or Norpass
19 n Supplies and materials for ES outreach and publicity   0.5 2 2004       Per state
20 a ES software purchased off the shelf   0.5 4 2004       Per state
21 a State employee labor for ES software development   12 29 2004       Per state
21 b State employee labor for new ES hardware configuration   4.8 5 2004       Per state
21 c Contractor labor for ES software development   185 188 2004       Per state
21 d Contractor labor for new ES hardware configuration   130 189 2004       Per state
21 g Labor for existing (legacy) system interface   29 30 2004       Per state, includes state employees, contractors, vendors
21 h Labor for training associated with ES system deployment   3.6 20 2004       Per state
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin         15 15 2005 Per state, e.g., PrePass or Norpass
22 c Annual maintenance cost for mainline WIM scale         52 128 2004 Each. Depending on the functionality of the equipment being maintained, the cost could be much higher or much lower than the range shown.
22 d Annual maintenance cost for sorter-lane WIM scale for ES         10 36 2004 Each
22 f Annual costs for marketing, outreach, publicity, etc.         0.5 5 2004 Per state
23 aa State employee annual labor for ES, higher-volume state         50 167 2004 Per state, volume based on relative numbers of carriers, vehicles, and inspections
23 ab State employee annual labor for ES, lower-volume state         4.8 6 2004 Per state, volume based on relative numbers of carriers, vehicles, and inspections

Table 3. Expanded Data from CVISN Self-Evaluation (as of October 2005)
Q# Sub# Description Flag Cost #_Accts Total_$ Cost Date ServLif, Yrs Cost Type
6 a Computer network server for EC   68,000     2005 5 Start
6 a Computer network server for EC   63,000     2005 5 Start
6 a Computer network server for EC H55,000     2004 . Start
6 a Computer network server for EC   22,000     2004 4 Start
6 a Computer network server for EC   10,000     2004 . Start
6 a Computer network server for EC   10,000     2003 3 Start
6 a Computer network server for EC L7,500     2004 3 Start
6 a Computer network server for EC   5,000     2003 5 Start
6 a Computer network server for EC   1,000     2003 4 Start
6 b Personal computer for EC administration   137,678     2003 . Start
6 b Personal computer for EC administration   6,000     2004 5 Start
6 b Personal computer for EC administration   4,000     2004 . Start
6 b Personal computer for EC administration H3,000     2004 4 Start
6 b Personal computer for EC administration   2,000     2004 3 Start
6 b Personal computer for EC administration   1,750     2004 . Start
6 b Personal computer for EC administration   1,700     2003 3 Start
6 b Personal computer for EC administration L1,600     2005 4 Start
6 b Personal computer for EC administration   1,200     2004 . Start
6 b Personal computer for EC administration   900     2003 4 Start
6 c Consumable supplies and materials for EC outreach, training   50,000     2005 1 Start
6 c Consumable supplies and materials for EC outreach, training   39,951     2003 . Start
6 c Consumable supplies and materials for EC outreach, training H20,712     2003 . Start
6 c Consumable supplies and materials for EC outreach, training   10,000     2003 . Start
6 c Consumable supplies and materials for EC outreach, training   8,300     2004 . Start
6 c Consumable supplies and materials for EC outreach, training   6,000     2004 . Start
6 c Consumable supplies and materials for EC outreach, training   5,000     2003 . Start
6 c Consumable supplies and materials for EC outreach, training   2,000     2003 . Start
6 c Consumable supplies and materials for EC outreach, training L1,000     2003 0 Start
6 c Consumable supplies and materials for EC outreach, training   240     2004 . Start
6 c Consumable supplies and materials for EC outreach, training   76     2003 . Start
6 d Bar code readers for EC H800     2004 . Start
6 d Bar code readers for law enforcement for EC L500     2004 . Start
7 a EC software for back-end administration   150,000     2003 5 Start
7 a EC software for back-end administration H74,366     2004 . Start
7 a EC software for back-end administration   55,000     2004 . Start
7 a EC software for back-end administration   50,500     2003 . Start
7 a EC software for back-end administration   40,300     2003 5 Start
7 a EC software for back-end administration L40,000     2004 . Start
7 a EC software for back-end administration   30,000     2004 4 Start
7 b EC software for front-end interface   1,550,000     2004 . Start
7 b EC software for front-end interface H260,500     2005 5 Start
7 b EC software for front-end interface   200,000     2003 . Start
7 b EC software for front-end interface   175,500     2005 4 Start
7 b EC software for front-end interface L71,928     2004 . Start
7 b EC software for front-end interface   35,400     2003 . Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development   2,867,500     2003   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development   1,300,000     2003   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development   708,608     2003   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development H250,000     2005   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development   243,000     2004   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development   221,600     2003   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development   201,785     2004   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development   144,827     2003   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development   84,600     2003   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development L72,000     2004   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development   48,000     2003   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development   12,000     2003   Start
8 a State employee labor for new EC software development   3,321     2005   Start
8 b State employee labor for new EC hardware config H12,000     2003   Start
8 b State employee labor for new EC hardware config   6,750     2004   Start
8 b State employee labor for new EC hardware config L2,400     2003   Start
8 c Contractor labor for new EC software development   3,048,500     2003   Start
8 c Contractor labor for new EC software development   1,022,000     2004   Start
8 c Contractor labor for new EC software development H901,789     2003   Start
8 c Contractor labor for new EC software development   836,379     2003   Start
8 c Contractor labor for new EC software development   500,792     2003   Start
8 c Contractor labor for new EC software development   500,000     2005   Start
8 c Contractor labor for new EC software development   298,000     2003   Start
8 c Contractor labor for new EC software development L150,000     2003   Start
8 c Contractor labor for new EC software development   80,000     2004   Start
8 c Contractor labor for new EC software development   25,463     2005   Start
8 d Contractor labor for new EC hardware configuration H6,400     2004   Start
8 d Contractor labor for new EC hardware configuration L3,300     2003   Start
8 g Labor for existing EC system interface/modification   72,000     2005   Start
8 g Labor for existing EC system interface/modification H40,000     2004   Start
8 g Labor for existing EC system interface/modification   12,000     2003   Start
8 g Labor for existing EC system interface/modification L12,000     2004   Start
8 g Labor for existing EC system interface/modification   11,000     2003   Start
8 h Labor for training for EC system development   92,000     2003   Start
8 h Labor for training for EC system development   27,000     2004   Start
8 h Labor for training for EC system development H12,000     2003   Start
8 h Labor for training for EC system development   7,410     2003   Start
8 h Labor for training for EC system development   6,000     2004   Start
8 h Labor for training for EC system development L5,000     2003   Start
8 h Labor for training for EC system development   2,400     2003   Start
8 h Labor for training for EC system development   1,100     2003   Start
8 i Travel expenses for EC H40,265     2003   Start
8 i Travel expenses for EC L10,000     2003   Start
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   18,000     2003   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   18,000     2003   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   15,800     2004   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   15,800     2004   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse H15,000     2003   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   15,000     2003   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   12,000     2004   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   11,850     2004   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   11,850     2005   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   11,850     2004   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   11,850     2004   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   11,850     2003   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   11,850     2003   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse L8,000     2004   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   7,900     2004   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   4,800     2003   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   4,740     2003   Annual
9 a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse   4,740     2003   Annual
9 b Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   82,8262,300190,500 2004   Annual
9 b Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   69,2702,800193,957 2004   Annual
9 b Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.) H63,2802,500158,200 2003   Annual
9 b Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   44,3989,100404,019 2004   Annual
9 b Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   43,5667,400322,388 2004   Annual
9 b Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.) L10,9091,10012,000 2003   Annual
9 b Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   8,57114,000120,000 2003   Annual
9 b Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   4,3218,10035,000 2003   Annual
9 c Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (front-end, $/thousand accts.)   48,0002,500120,000 2003   Annual
9 c Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (front-end, $/thousand accts.) H28,5772,30065,727 2004   Annual
9 c Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (front-end, $/thousand accts.)   13,3331,50020,000 2003   Annual
9 c Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (front-end, $/thousand accts.)   7,4327,40055,000 2004   Annual
9 c Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (front-end, $/thousand accts.) L4,9339,10044,891 2004   Annual
9 c Fees for third-party IRP cred. admin. (front-end, $/thousand accts.)   3,9225,10020,000 2005   Annual
9 e Recurring costs for EC marketing and outreach ($/thousand accts.) H8932,8002,500 2004   Annual
9 e Recurring costs for EC marketing and outreach ($/thousand accts.) L4762,1001,000 2003   Annual
10 a State employee annual labor IRP EC ($/thousand accts.)   285,7142,100600,000 2003   Annual
10 a State employee annual labor IRP EC ($/thousand accts.)   198,7862,800556,600 2004   Annual
10 a State employee annual labor IRP EC ($/thousand accts.) H158,54814,6002,314,800 2003   Annual
10 a State employee annual labor IRP EC ($/thousand accts.)   110,3294,000441,315 2004   Annual
10 a State employee annual labor IRP EC ($/thousand accts.)   89,9082,543228,635 2003   Annual
10 a State employee annual labor IRP EC ($/thousand accts.)   80,0002,500200,000 2003   Annual
10 a State employee annual labor IRP EC ($/thousand accts.)   62,50016,0001,000,000 2004   Annual
10 a State employee annual labor IRP EC ($/thousand accts.)   56,0108,900498,488 2004   Annual
10 a State employee annual labor IRP EC ($/thousand accts.) L45,2945,100231,000 2005   Annual
10 a State employee annual labor IRP EC ($/thousand accts.)   11,4292,10024,000 2003   Annual
10 a State employee annual labor IRP EC ($/thousand accts.)   5,16811,60960,000 2004   Annual
10 b Contractor annual labor for IRP credentialing ($/thousand accts.) H16,2504,00065,000 2004   Annual
10 b Contractor annual labor for IRP credentialing ($/thousand accts.)   8,57114,000120,000 2003   Annual
10 b Contractor annual labor for IRP credentialing ($/thousand accts.) L6,25016,000100,000 2004   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse   18,000     2003   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse   11,000     2003   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse   5,000     2003   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse H1,000     2003   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse   1,000     2003   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse   1,000     2004   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse   1,000     2004   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse   1,000     2005   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse   1,000     2004   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse L1,000     2003   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse   1,000     2004   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse   1,000     2004   Annual
11 a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse   5     2003   Annual
11 b Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   87,5001,800157,500 2004   Annual
11 b Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   34,6757,000242,724 2004   Annual
11 b Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.) H33,2142,80093,000 2003   Annual
11 b Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   30,0004,000120,000 2004   Annual
11 b Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   12,60511,900150,000 2004   Annual
11 b Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.) L11,3186,10069,039 2004   Annual
11 b Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   10,0001,20012,000 2003   Annual
11 b Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (back-end, $/thousand accts.)   7,6094,60035,000 2003   Annual
11 c Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (front-end, $/thousand accts.)   15,3851,30020,000 2003   Annual
11 c Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (front-end, $/thousand accts.) H11,6072,80032,500 2003   Annual
11 c Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (front-end, $/thousand accts.) L7,1437,00050,000 2004   Annual
11 c Fees for third-party IFTA cred. admin. (front-end, $/thousand accts.)   4,8784,10020,000 2005   Annual
12 a State employee annual labor IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.)   289,25612,1003,500,000 2003   Annual
12 a State employee annual labor IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.)   111,3802,316257,956 2003   Annual
12 a State employee annual labor IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.) H105,0754,200441,315 2004   Annual
12 a State employee annual labor IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.)   47,47911,900565,000 2004   Annual
12 a State employee annual labor IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.)   37,5614,100154,000 2005   Annual
12 a State employee annual labor IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.)   35,7142,800100,000 2003   Annual
12 a State employee annual labor IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.)   14,2864,20060,000 2004   Annual
12 a State employee annual labor IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.) L13,3331,80024,000 2003   Annual
12 a State employee annual labor IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.)   12,40911,000136,500 2004   Annual
12 a State employee annual labor IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.)   7,8283,10024,266 2004   Annual
12 c Vendor annual labor for IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.) H18,18212,100220,000 2003   Annual
12 c Vendor annual labor for IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.)   10,4171,20012,500 2003   Annual
12 c Vendor annual labor for IFTA EC ($/thousand accts.) L1,26111,90015,000 2004   Annual
14 a Computer network server for SIE   30,000     2004 5 Start
14 a Computer network server for SIE   30,000     2004 6 Start
14 a Computer network server for SIE H25,000     2003 3 Start
14 a Computer network server for SIE   15,000     2004 4 Start
14 a Computer network server for SIE   14,200     2005 5 Start
14 a Computer network server for SIE   13,000     2004 5 Start
14 a Computer network server for SIE   13,000     2005 4 Start
14 a Computer network server for SIE L5,500     2004 3 Start
14 a Computer network server for SIE   3,000     2003 4 Start
14 a Computer network server for SIE   2,000     2003 4 Start
14 b Desktop personal computer for SIE   4,000     2004 4 Start
14 b Desktop personal computer for SIE   2,500     2004 4 Start
14 b Desktop personal computer for SIE H2,000     2004 3 Start
14 b Desktop personal computer for SIE   1,800     2003 4 Start
14 b Desktop personal computer for SIE   1,600     2005 4 Start
14 b Desktop personal computer for SIE   1,500     2003 4 Start
14 b Desktop personal computer for SIE   1,250     2003 5 Start
14 b Desktop personal computer for SIE L1,100     2004 3 Start
14 b Desktop personal computer for SIE   1,000     2004 . Start
14 b Desktop personal computer for SIE   750     2003 . Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE   25,000     2003 4 Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE   5,000     2004 3 Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE   4,000     2004 . Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE H4,000     2003 3 Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE   4,000     2004 3 Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE   4,000     2003 3 Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE   3,400     2003 . Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE   3,100     2003 3 Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE L3,000     2004 4 Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE   3,000     2003 5 Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE   2,800     2005 4 Start
14 c Laptop personal computer for SIE   2,400     2004 3 Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement   670     2003 . Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement   500     2003 5 Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement   400     2003 2 Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement H400     2004 2 Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement   350     2003 4 Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement   350     2003 . Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement   325     2003 . Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement   300     2003 4 Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement L300     2004 3 Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement   300     2004 4 Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement   240     2004 3 Start
14 d Portable printer for SIE mobile enforcement   200     2005 4 Start
14 e Wireless modem for SIE vehicle and/or roadside use   5,000     2004 5 Start
14 e Wireless modem for SIE vehicle and/or roadside use   3,500     2003 5 Start
14 e Wireless modem for SIE vehicle and/or roadside use H850     2003 . Start
14 e Wireless modem for SIE vehicle and/or roadside use   850     2003 . Start
14 e Wireless modem for SIE vehicle and/or roadside use   700     2004 2 Start
14 e Wireless modem for SIE vehicle and/or roadside use L500     2003 4 Start
14 e Wireless modem for SIE vehicle and/or roadside use   250     2004 2 Start
14 e Wireless modem for SIE vehicle and/or roadside use   125     2004 3 Start
14 f Consumable supplies and materials for SIE outreach, training   7,500     2003 . Start
14 f Consumable supplies and materials for SIE outreach, training H5,000     2004 . Start
14 f Consumable supplies and materials for SIE outreach, training L5,000     2004 . Start
14 f Consumable supplies and materials for SIE outreach, training   4,000     2003 . Start
14 ga Router (Cisco) for SIE H12,000     2004 5 Start
14 ga Router (Cisco) for SIE   6,000     2004 5 Start
14 ga Router for SIE L5,000     2004 5 Start
14 gb T1 Lines for SIE H30,000     2004 5 Start
14 gb T1 lines to fixed scales for SIE L3,000     2004 . Start
15 a SIE software purchased off the shelf H20,000     2004   Start
15 a SIE software purchased off the shelf   12,000     2005   Start
15 a SIE software purchased off the shelf L6,000     2003   Start
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development   215,822     2003   Start
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development   132,000     2003   Start
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development H117,852     2005   Start
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development   92,000     2003   Start
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development   80,000     2004   Start
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development   75,000     2003   Start
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development   58,568     2004   Start
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development   50,000     2003   Start
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development L19,200     2003   Start
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development   15,700     2003   Start
16 a State employee labor for new SIE software development   5,000     2004   Start
16 b State employee labor for new SIE hardware configuration H5,000     2004   Start
16 b State employee labor for new SIE hardware configuration L4,888     2004   Start
16 c Contractor labor for new SIE software development   1,471,929     2003   Start
16 c Contractor labor for new SIE software development   796,240     2005   Start
16 c Contractor labor for new SIE software development H170,000     2003   Start
16 c Contractor labor for new SIE software development   84,600     2003   Start
16 c Contractor labor for new SIE software development   50,000     2004   Start
16 c Contractor labor for new SIE software development L45,000     2004   Start
16 c Contractor labor for new SIE software development   40,000     2003   Start
16 c Contractor labor for new SIE software development   36,540     2004   Start
16 g Labor for existing (legacy) SIE system interface/modification   520,093     2005   Start
16 g Labor for existing (legacy) SIE system interface/modification H250,000     2004   Start
16 g Labor for existing (legacy) SIE system interface/modification L72,000     2005   Start
16 g Labor for existing (legacy) SIE system interface/modification   12,000     2003   Start
16 h Labor for training for SIE system deployment H7,140     2004   Start
16 h Labor for training for SIE system deployment L4,000     2004   Start
17 b Telephone and internet annual service charges for SIE   43,176     2004   Annual
17 b Telephone and internet annual service charges for SIE H40,000     2004   Annual
17 b Telephone and internet annual service charges for SIE   10,080     2004   Annual
17 b Telephone and internet annual service charges for SIE   5,000     2004   Annual
17 b Telephone and internet annual service charges for SIE   1,104     2003   Annual
17 b Telephone and internet annual service charges for SIE L500     2003   Annual
17 b Telephone and internet annual service charges for SIE   460     2004   Annual
17 c Wireless communication charges for SIE   68,796     2004   Annual
17 c Wireless communication charges for SIE H61,620     2004   Annual
17 c Wireless communication charges for SIE L26,400     2004   Annual
17 c Wireless communication charges for SIE   60     2004   Annual
18 a State employee annual labor for SIE   140,000     2004   Annual
18 a State employee annual labor for SIE H62,865     2004   Annual
18 a State employee annual labor for SIE   54,200     2003   Annual
18 a State employee annual labor for SIE   35,000     2005   Annual
18 a State employee annual labor for SIE   24,543     2004   Annual
18 a State employee annual labor for SIE L19,200     2003   Annual
18 a State employee annual labor for SIE   4,000     2003   Annual
18 b Contractor annual labor for SIE   65,000     2004   Annual
18 b Contractor annual labor for SIE H40,000     2004   Annual
18 b Contractor annual labor for SIE   35,200     2003   Annual
18 b Contractor annual labor for SIE L14,000     2003   Annual
18 b Contractor annual labor for SIE   5,000     2003   Annual
19 a Computer network server for ES   19,308     2004 5 Start
19 a Computer network server for ES H13,000     2004 10 Start
19 a Computer network server for ES L10,000     2004 . Start
19 a Computer network server for ES   3,000     2004 3 Start
19 b Desktop personal computer for ES   3,000     2004 . Start
19 b Desktop personal computer for ES H3,000     2004 5 Start
19 b Desktop personal computer for ES L2,500     2005 5 Start
19 b Desktop personal computer for ES   2,349     2004 4 Start
19 c Laptop personal computer for ES   250,000     2003 . Start
19 c Laptop personal computer for ES H3,000     2004 4 Start
19 c Laptop personal computer for ES L3,000     2004 3 Start
19 d Mainline (highway speed) weigh-in-motion (WIM) scale for ES   786,000     2004 3 Start
19 d Mainline (highway speed) weigh-in-motion (WIM) scale for ES   441,042     2003 . Start
19 d Mainline (highway speed) weigh-in-motion (WIM) scale for ES H250,000     2003 12 Start
19 d Mainline (highway speed) weigh-in-motion (WIM) scale for ES   241,000     2005 20 Start
19 d Mainline (highway speed) weigh-in-motion (WIM) scale for ES   100,000     2003 5 Start
19 d Mainline (highway speed) weigh-in-motion (WIM) scale for ES L60,000     2004 5 Start
19 d Mainline (highway speed) weigh-in-motion (WIM) scale for ES   48,597     2004 15 Start
19 d Mainline (highway speed) weigh-in-motion (WIM) scale for ES   40,000     2004 10 Start
19 e Sorter lane (ramp speed) WIM scale for ES   668,000     2003 . Start
19 e Sorter lane (ramp speed) WIM scale for ES H250,000     2003 12 Start
19 e Sorter lane (ramp speed) WIM scale for ES L100,000     2003 . Start
19 e Sorter lane (ramp speed) WIM scale for ES   19,000     2004 . Start
19 f ES transponder purchased by state for free distribution H50     2004 6 Start
19 f ES transponder purchased by state for free distribution   45     2005 3 Start
19 f ES transponder purchased by state for free distribution L12     2004 5 Start
19 g ES transponder purchased by state for resale H50     2004 3 Start
19 g ES transponder purchased by state for resale L35     2004 5 Start
19 h Automated vehicle identification (AVI) equipment/system for ES   400,000     2005 . Start
19 h Automated vehicle identification (AVI) equipment/system for ES H99,212     2004 10 Start
19 h Automated vehicle identification (AVI) equipment/system for ES   50,000     2004 . Start
19 h Automated vehicle identification (AVI) equipment/system for ES L50,000     2004 6 Start
19 h Automated vehicle identification (AVI) equipment/system for ES   14,000     2004 . Start
19 i ES telecommunication equipment (upstream to weigh station) H28,000     2004 . Start
19 i ES telecommunication equipment (upstream to weigh station)   4,000     2005 20 Start
19 i ES telecommunication equipment (upstream to weigh station) L835     2004 . Start
19 j Electronic sign for weigh station for ES   78,000     2005 20 Start
19 j Electronic sign for weigh station for ES H48,400     2004 10 Start
19 j Electronic sign for weigh station for ES   40,000     2004 . Start
19 j Electronic sign for weigh station for ES L12,000     2004 . Start
19 j Electronic sign for weigh station for ES   6,000     2003 . Start
19 k Loop detector for weigh station for ES   11,472     2004 . Start
19 k Loop detector for weigh station for ES H6,000     2005 20 Start
19 k Loop detector for weigh station for ES   1,600     2003 . Start
19 k Loop detector for weigh station for ES L1,000     2004 . Start
19 k Loop detector for weigh station for ES   500     2004 . Start
19 l Upgrade of existing fixed-site weigh station infrastructure for ES   410,000     2005 40 Start
19 l Upgrade of existing fixed-site weigh station infrastructure for ES H80,000     2004 5 Start
19 l Upgrade of existing fixed-site weigh station infrastructure for ES L44,146     2004 7 Start
19 l Upgrade of existing fixed-site weigh station infrastructure for ES   18,000     2004 . Start
19 m One-time start-up fees paid to ES admin   15,000     2004 . Start
19 m One-time start-up fees paid to ES admin H15,000     2003 . Start
19 m One-time start-up fees paid to ES admin L15,000     2005 1 Start
19 m One-time start-up fees paid to ES admin   12,000     2003 . Start
19 n Supplies and materials for ES outreach and publicity H2,000     2004 . Start
19 n Supplies and materials for ES outreach and publicity L500     2004 . Start
19 n Supplies and materials for ES outreach and publicity   3     2004 . Start
20 a ES software purchased off the shelf H4,000     2004   Start
20 a ES software purchased off the shelf L500     2004   Start
21 a State employee labor for ES software development H29,284     2004   Start
21 a State employee labor for ES software development   20,000     2003   Start
21 a State employee labor for ES software development L12,300     2003   Start
21 b State employee labor for new ES hardware configuration H5,000     2004   Start
21 b State employee labor for new ES hardware configuration L4,888     2004   Start
21 c Contractor labor for ES software development   630,000     2004   Start
21 c Contractor labor for ES software development H187,689     2004   Start
21 c Contractor labor for ES software development L185,000     2004   Start
21 d Contractor labor for new ES hardware configuration H188,736     2004   Start
21 d Contractor labor for new ES hardware configuration L130,000     2004   Start
21 g Labor for legacy system interface/modification for ES H30,000     2004   Start
21 g Labor for legacy system interface/modification for ES L29,284     2004   Start
21 h Labor for training for ES deployment   34,900     2003   Start
21 h Labor for training for ES deployment H20,000     2004   Start
21 h Labor for training for ES deployment   14,928     2004   Start
21 h Labor for training for ES deployment   9,216     2005   Start
21 h Labor for training for ES deployment L3,600     2003   Start
21 h Labor for training for ES deployment   1,000     2004   Start
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin   30,000     2004   Annual
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin   15,000     2003   Annual
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin H15,000     2004   Annual
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin   15,000     2004   Annual
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin   15,000     2004   Annual
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin   15,000     2004   Annual
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin   15,000     2003   Annual
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin   15,000     2004   Annual
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin L15,000     2005   Annual
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin   12,000     2003   Annual
22 b Annual payments made to ES admin   10,000     2003   Annual
22 c Annual maintenance cost for mainline WIM scale for ES   800,000     2003   Annual
22 c Annual maintenance cost for mainline WIM scale for ES   172,800     2004   Annual
22 c Annual maintenance cost for mainline WIM scale for ES H128,000     2004   Annual
22 c Annual maintenance cost for mainline WIM scale for ES   84,000     2004   Annual
22 c Annual maintenance cost for mainline WIM scale for ES   80,000     2004   Annual
22 c Annual maintenance cost for mainline WIM scale for ES L52,000     2004   Annual
22 c Annual maintenance cost for mainline WIM scale for ES   12,000     2003   Annual
22 c Annual maintenance cost for mainline WIM scale for ES   5,000     2003   Annual
22 d Annual maintenance cost for sorter-lane WIM scale for ES H36,000     2003   Annual
22 d Annual maintenance cost for sorter-lane WIM scale for ES L10,000     2004   Annual
22 f Recurring costs for ES marketing, outreach, publicity, etc. H5,000     2004   Annual
22 f Recurring costs for ES marketing, outreach, publicity, etc.   500     2004   Annual
22 f Recurring costs for ES marketing, outreach, publicity, etc. L500     2004   Annual
23 aa State employee annual labor for ES, higher-volume state   198,072     2003   Annual
23 aa State employee annual labor for ES, higher-volume state H167,128     2003   Annual
23 aa State employee annual labor for ES, higher-volume state   58,568     2004   Annual
23 aa State employee annual labor for ES, higher-volume state L50,000     2004   Annual
23 aa State employee annual labor for ES, higher-volume state   24,000     2003   Annual
23 ab State employee annual labor for ES, lower-volume state H6,000     2004   Annual
23 ab State employee annual labor for ES, lower-volume state L4,800     2003   Annual

Attachment 1

Original Data Collection Template and Instructions for CVISN Self-Evaluation Cost Data (Distributed October 2003)

Guidance to Respondents

Enclosed are three questionnaire-style templates for your use in preparing your state's CVISN Self-Evaluation Report. The templates are designed to help you report on the status and plans for CVISN deployment, costs, benefits, and lessons learned in your state, and to help the U.S. DOT combine, compare, analyze, and publish information on deployments across all states receiving CVISN earmark funds for infrastructure deployment.

By completing and returning the three enclosed templates, you will have provided the major part of your self-evaluation report to DOT, which is required under the terms of your partnership agreement with the Federal ITS earmark program.

You are asked to complete the templates by December 19, 2003. Be sure to keep a copy of the completed templates for your records. Please contact me by e-mail,, or by phone at (202) 385-2367, if you need more information about the CVISN self-evaluation program in general. Please send completed templates and supporting information for to Vince Brown at Battelle, 505 King Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693, or via fax (614-424-4250) or email ( This hard-copy version is intended to match the content of the Web-based self-evaluation templates. If you have questions about the Web-based data collection templates, contact Pamela Vandergriff at

Below is some background information on the self-evaluation process and guidance for completing the three templates. Note that separate guidelines are included for each template, in case you need to distribute any of the three templates to other agencies or departments for completion.

Purpose of the Self-Evaluation Process

Self-evaluation reports are expected to foster the widespread deployment of CVISN through the sharing of timely, accurate, usable information among states. That is, states now in the planning, decision-making, or early deployment stages can learn from the experiences of others; and states further along in the deployment process can learn new ideas that might help them improve their existing systems and networks. Self-evaluation reports will also help DOT in overall program planning and economic/investment analyses.

Purpose of the Templates

As part of the ITS Partnership Agreement for states to receive federal funds under TEA-21, each state has agreed to prepare and submit to DOT a self-evaluation report, which is to cover three main topics:

  1. Lessons Learned
  2. Benefits of CVISN
  3. Costs of CVISN.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), in cooperation with the ITS Joint Program Office, has developed a series of self-evaluation templates or information collection forms that will yield important information. In setting up these self-evaluation templates, the FMCSA is building on the evaluation framework developed for the CVISN Model Deployment Initiative (March 2002) by defining data elements and measures that are as realistic and quantifiable as possible.

The information reported on the Deployment Template will help DOT to better understand the general shape and extent of CVISN deployments at this time across the states. This template will provide objective data on what technologies are now being deployed, in what numbers, and in what specific configurations or applications. The information reported on the Cost Template will enable DOT to gather actual, current information on what states have spent (including funds from federal, state, local, and other revenue sources) to deploy their particular version of CVISN. The information reported on the combined Benefits and Lessons Learned Template will help DOT understand what positive outcomes have been observed, what obstacles have been encountered and overcome, and what challenges remain.

Quantitative information reported on the templates, when summed and viewed across the states, will be especially helpful as input to broader, more formal economic and benefit-cost analyses of CVISN. These analyses will be made available to states. Thus, no state is expected to generate its own full-scale, quantitative benefit-cost report.

The challenge in this process has been to identify relevant descriptors or data categories. Data elements in the templates have been designed to be recognizable, applicable, and comparable from state to state, and helpful to future cost analyses, given the variety of CVISN deployments now in progress.

General Guidance for Completing All Templates

Guidance for Cost Self-Evaluation Template

Examples of comments and qualifiers that would be useful to future cost analysts include pointing out whether the deployment cost includes installation; giving a vendor name and model or product identifier (model number or software version); and saying whether a dollar cost reflects a quantity discount or other special pricing arrangement. As another example, assume that your state awards a single maintenance contract, covering labor, parts, and materials, and that these costs cannot be separated from each other. On your template, you would record the cost under either "annual maintenance cost" or under "purchased or contracted annual labor," but not both, and indicate the nature of the charge in the "Comments and Qualifiers" column.

CVISN Cost Self-Evaluation Template
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Version: October 17, 2003

When completed and sent to U.S. DOT, this template will become part of your state's CVISN Self-Evaluation Report, as required in the ITS Partnership Agreement between your state and the federal government.

Send completed templates to Vince Brown at Battelle, 505 King Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693, or via fax (614-424-4250) or email ( by December 19, 2003. Be sure to keep a copy of your completed template for your records. You are welcome to attach additional pages to the completed templates with clarifications and supporting information. If you attach additional pages, please indicate the template item number to which your information is related. If you are completing the form by hand, please print.

Information About Respondents
1 Name of person primarily responsible for completing the form:

2 Telephone number of person completing the form:

3 Agency, department, and division of person completing the form:

4 Names of other persons providing supporting information on the form:

5 Date when the form was completed (mm/dd/yyyy):

I. Electronic Credentialing

6 One-Time (Start-Up) Purchase Costs for Equipment and Materials (Including Installation Costs and Excluding Leased Equipment) Quantity Deployed Unit Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Expected Service Life, Years Comments and Qualifiers
a Computer network servers for electronic credentialing          
b Personal computers (desktop or laptop) for state employees to use in electronic credentials administration          
c Consumable supplies and materials for outreach, internal and external publicity, training, or supporting the deployment of electronic credentialing          
d Other central office or branch office network hardware and peripherals for electronic credentialing (specify function):          

7 One-Time (Start-Up) Purchase Costs for Software Quantity Deployed Unit Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Expected Service Life, Years Comments and Qualifiers
a Credentialing software packages purchased for back-end database management and data processing or reporting          
b Credentialing software packages purchased for front-end user interface and data entry          
c Other software purchased for electronic credentialing start-up (specify function)          

8 One-Time (Start-Up) Costs for Labor Total Labor Hours Total Labor Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Comments and Qualifiers
a State employee labor for new electronic credentialing software development        
b State employee labor for new hardware configuration (after original installation)        
c Contractor labor for new electronic credentialing software development        
d Contractor labor for new hardware configuration (after original installation)        
e Third-party vendor labor for software development        
f Third-party vendor labor for hardware configuration        
g Labor for existing (legacy) system interface and/or modification (state employee labor plus contractor or vendor labor)        
h Labor for training associated with credentialing system deployment        
i Other start-up labor costs for electronic credentialing (specify function)        

9 Recurring (Annual) Costs for Operating and Maintaining Electronic IRP Credentialing System (Excluding Labor) Total Annual Cost to State, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Comments and Qualifiers
a Membership fees paid to IRP Clearinghouse      
b Fees paid to third-party IRP credentials administrator (for example, VISTA, Polk) for operating a back-end database management and data processing system      
c Fees paid to third-party IRP credentials administrator (for example, VISTA, Polk) for operating a front-end user interface and data entry system      
d Lease payments for computer equipment (specify function in comments section at right)      
e Recurring costs for marketing, outreach, publicity, etc.      
f Other recurring (annual) costs for electronic IRP credentialing operation and maintenance, excluding labor (specify function):      

Include all labor charges for IRP credentials administration, including processing the applications, handling payments, issuing the final credentials, serving customers, analyzing computer systems, programming, reporting, and management. If you report labor dollars, use the fully loaded amount, including fringe benefits and other overhead-type labor costs. Provide annual costs for your state's baseline credentials administration function, for comparison with the costs for your state's corresponding credentialing function after the deployment of CVISN technologies.

  Legacy System Labor (Pre deployment) Provide hours and/or $ CVISN Labor (Post-deployment) Provide hours and/or $  
10 Recurring (Annual) Labor for IRP Credentialing Annual Labor, Hours Annual Labor Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Annual Labor, Hours Annual Labor Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Comments and Qualifiers
a State employee annual labor              
b Contractor annual labor              
c Third-party vendor annual labor              
d Other recurring (annual) CVISN-related electronic IRP credentialing labor cost elements not listed above (specify function):              

11 Recurring (Annual) Costs for Operating and Maintaining Electronic IFTA Credentialing System (Excluding Labor) Total Annual Cost to State, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Comments and Qualifiers
a Membership fees paid to IFTA Clearinghouse      
b Fees paid to third-party IFTA credentials administrator (for example, VISTA, Polk) for operating a back-end database management and data processing system      
c Fees paid to third-party IFTA credentials administrator (for example, VISTA, Polk) for operating a front-end user interface and data entry system      
d Lease payments for computer equipment (specify function in comments section right in this row)      
e Recurring costs for marketing, outreach, publicity, etc.      
f Other recurring (annual) costs for electronic IFTA credentialing operation and maintenance, excluding labor (specify function):      

Include all labor charges for IFTA credentials administration, including processing the applications, handling payments, issuing the final credentials, serving customers, analyzing computer systems, programming, reporting, and management. If you report labor dollars, use the fully loaded amount, including fringe benefits and other overhead-type labor costs. Provide annual costs for your state's baseline credentials administration function, for comparison with the costs for your state's corresponding credentialing function after the deployment of CVISN technologies.

  Legacy System Labor (Pre-deployment) Provide hours and/or $ CVISN Labor (Post-deployment) Provide hours and/or $  
12 Recurring (Annual) Labor for IFTA Credentialing Annual Labor, Hours Annual Labor Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Annual Labor, Hours Annual Labor Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Comments and Qualifiers
a State employee annual labor              
b Contractor annual labor              
c Third-party vendor annual labor              
d Other recurring (annual) CVISN-related electronic IFTA credentialing labor cost elements not listed above (please specify):              
13 General Question About Your Electronic Credentialing System Comments and Qualifiers
  Is your electronic credentialing system available (check one):

checkboxIn only selected regions within your state


II. Roadside: Safety Information Exchange

14 One-Time (Start-Up) Purchase Costs for Equipment and Materials (Including Installation Costs and Excluding Leased Equipment) Quantity Deployed Unit Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Expected Service Life, Years Comments and Qualifiers
a Computer network servers for safety information exchange, including mobile network servers used in roadside enforcement          
b Desktop personal computers for administering the safety information exchange system (including desktop computers used at roadside check stations)          
c Laptop personal computers for roadside use in inspections for safety information exchange          
d Portable printers for mobile enforcement          
e Wireless modems for vehicle and/or roadside use          
f Consumable supplies and materials for outreach, internal and external publicity, training, and supporting the deployment or safety information exchange          
g Other central office, branch office, roadside, or mobile telecommunications equipment for safety information exchange (specify function):          

15 One-Time (Start-Up) Purchase Costs for Software Quantity Deployed Unit Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Expected Service Life, Years Comments and Qualifiers
a Safety information exchange software purchased off the shelf          
b Other software purchased for safety information exchange start-up (specify function):          

16 One-Time (Start-Up) Costs for Labor Total Labor Hours Total Labor Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Comments and Qualifiers
a State employee labor for new safety information exchange software development (for example, CVIEW)        
b State employee labor for new hardware configuration (after original installation)        
c Contractor labor for new safety information exchange software development        
d Contractor labor for new hardware configuration (after original installation)        
e Third-party vendor labor for software development        
f Third-party vendor labor for hardware configuration        
g Labor for existing (legacy) system interface and/or modification (state employee labor plus contractor or vendor labor)        
h Labor for training associated with safety information exchange system deployment        
i Other start-up labor costs for safety information exchange (specify function)        

17 Recurring (Annual) Costs for Operating and Maintaining Safety Information Exchange System (Excluding Labor) Total Annual Cost to State, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Comments and Qualifiers
a Lease payments for computer equipment for safety information exchange (specify function)      
b Telephone and internet service charges      
c Wireless communication charges      
d Charges for linking to central data services (for example, AAMVAnet)      
e Other recurring (annual) costs for safety information exchange operation and maintenance, excluding labor (specify function)      

18 Recurring (Annual) Costs for Labor (provide hours and/or $) Annual Labor, Hours Annual Labor Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Comments and Qualifiers
a State employee annual labor        
b Contractor annual labor        
c Third-party vendor annual labor        
d Other recurring (annual) safety information exchange labor costs (specify function):        

III. Roadside: Electronic Screening (Clearance)

Unless otherwise indicated, provide only those costs that were incurred by your state. For example, if a private organization or partnership other than your state pays for and installs transponder readers, wiring, computers, etc., at the roadside for electronic screening at no cost to the state, then do not list the costs for that equipment or infrastructure below. If your state purchases its own screening or computing equipment (for example, to interface with the private organization's equipment), then list your state's costs for the state-owned equipment. If a system or device is used in more than one CVISN function, count it only once. For example, if a computer database stores and shares information on credentials and inspection history with your state's electronic screening system, then determine the system's primary function, list the system in that section of the cost template, and count the computer and the database costs only once.

19 One-Time (Start-Up) Purchase Costs for Equipment and Materials (Including Installation Costs and Excluding Leased Equipment) Quantity Deployed Unit Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Expected Service Life, Years Comments and Qualifiers
a Computer network server dedicated to electronic screening          
b Desktop personal computer dedicated to electronic screening          
c Laptop personal computer dedicated to electronic screening          
d Mainline (highway speed) weigh-in-motion (WIM) scale          
e Sorter lane (ramp speed) WIM scale          
f In-vehicle transponder purchased by state for distribution (free of charge) to motor carriers enrolling vehicles in electronic screening          
g In-vehicle transponder purchased by state for resale (cost-recovery or other basis) to motor carriers enrolling vehicles in electronic screening          
h Automated vehicle identification (AVI) equipment/system (specify type, for example, DSRC, optical, video, other)          
i Telecommunication equipment between upstream site and weigh station/base          
j Electronic sign for weigh station          
k Loop detector for weigh station          
l Upgrade of existing fixed-site weigh station infrastructure (excluding items listed above) for electronic screening (specify function):          
m One-time start-up fees paid to electronic screening provider or partnership (for example, PrePass, Norpass)          
n Consumable supplies and materials for outreach, internal and external publicity, training, or supporting the deployment of electronic screening          
o Other central office or branch office network hardware and peripherals purchased for electronic screening (specify function):          

20 One-Time (Start-Up) Purchase Costs for Software Quantity Deployed Unit Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Expected Service Life, Years Comments and Qualifiers
a Electronic screening software purchased off the shelf          
b Other software for electronic screening start-up (specify function)          

21 One-Time (Start-Up) Costs for Labor Quantity Deployed Unit Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Comments and Qualifiers
a State employee labor for electronic screening software development        
b State employee labor for new hardware configuration (after original installation)        
c Contractor labor for electronic screening software development        
d Contractor labor for new hardware configuration (after original installation)        
e Third-party vendor labor for software development        
f Third-party vendor labor for hardware configuration        
g Labor for existing (legacy) system interface and/or modification (state employee labor + contractor or vendor labor)        
h Labor for training associated with system deployment        
i Other start-up labor costs (specify function):        

22 Recurring (Annual) Costs, Operating and Maintaining Electronic Screening System (Excluding Labor) Total Annual Cost to State, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Comments and Qualifiers
a Lease payments for computer equipment for electronic screening      
b Annual payments made to electronic screening administrator/vendor/ partnership (for example, PrePass, Norpass)      
c Annual maintenance cost for mainline WIM scale      
d Annual maintenance cost for sorter-lane WIM scale      
e Annual maintenance cost for other roadside equipment (AVI, transponder readers, etc.)      
f Recurring costs for marketing, outreach, publicity, etc.      
g Other recurring (annual) costs for operation and maintenance, excluding labor (specify function):      

23 Recurring (Annual) Costs for Labor (Provide Hours and/or $) Total Labor, Hours Total Labor Cost, $ Actual (A) or Estimated (E) Comments and Qualifiers
a State employee annual labor        
b Contractor annual labor        
c Third-party vendor annual labor        
d Other recurring (annual) electronic screening cost elements not listed above (specify function):)        

Use the space provided below to add to, clarify, or expand on your answers, especially with information about aspects of your state's deployment that were not covered in the questions. Please send completed templates and supporting information to Vince Brown at Battelle, 505 King Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693, or via fax (614-424-4250) or email ( by December 19, 2003. Be sure to keep a copy of your completed template for your records.