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Security Manpower Planning Model

The Security Manpower Planning Model is a flexible decision support tool created to enable transit security planners the ability to assess impacts of strategic decisions on resources and staffing. Based on the data inputted, the model identifies staffing levels and budgeting. The SMPM is can be used by any transit agency with existing or planned security resources, regardless of operating mode(s) or size. Further, the model can assist security planners in assessing impacts of various scenarios on resource and deployment strategies.

The SMPM is a macro-based application that runs within Microsoft Excel 2003.  The application may also run within other versions of Excel, with the following caveats:

  • Microsoft Excel 1997: SMPM will not work properly due to missing Visual Basic (VBA) features.
  • Microsoft Excel 2000: Users are not prevented from selecting non-data-entry cells, but cannot make entries in those cells.
  • Microsoft Excel 2007: Changes to program functionality causes minor formatting differences. A separate SMPM version for Excel 2007 will be produced.
  • Microsoft Excel for Mac 2004: SMPM should function correctly, but it has not been tested.
  • Microsoft Excel for Mac 2008: SMPM will likely not work due to the removal of VBA from this version of Excel for Mac.
  • Spreadsheet programs other than Microsoft Excel: Proper functioning of SMPM with "clone" programs such as OpenOffice has not been tested and is not guaranteed.

Subscribers to FTA's Office of Safety and Security "What's New" Email Updates will receive notification when new versions of the application are available.  Click here to subscribe.

Item Format
Security Manpower Planning Model (for Microsoft Excel 2003)
Version 1.0 2
May 2008

Security Manpower Planning Model Instruction Manual
May, 2008


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