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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

Secretary Tom Ridge Announces Appointment of Two New Members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council's State and Local Senior Advisory Committee

Release Date: 03/30/04 00:00:00

For Immediate Release
Press Office
Contact: 202-282-8010
March 30, 2004

Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge is pleased to announce the appointments of Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski and Nevada Attorney General Brian Sandoval to serve as members of the State and Local Officials Senior Advisory Committee (SLSAC) of the Homeland Security Advisory Council.  The Secretary also appointed Fraternal Order of Police Grand Lodge President and current member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council Chuck Canterbury to serve as the Vice Chair of the Emergency Response Senior Advisory Committee.

Secretary Ridge established these two committees to provide the Homeland Security Advisory Council with advice on increasing America's security from experts representing state and local governments and first preventer and responder communities.

"I look forward to working with such dedicated leaders and public servants as Frank Murkowski, Brian Sandoval, and Chuck Canterbury.  Their state and local leadership experience and expertise will bring valuable insights to our work to build a truly national homeland security effort to better secure our nation," said Secretary Ridge.

Governor Frank Murkowski was elected Alaska's tenth Governor on December 2, 2002.  In 1980 he was elected to the U.S. Senate where he served Alaska for 22 years.  He is a recognized expert on such topics as energy policy, fossil fuel, and nuclear development, electricity restructuring, and climate change.  Governor Murkowski has been active in local and community affairs having served as the president of the Alaska State Chamber of Commerce and Alaska Bankers Association and serves as a member of Young Presidents Organizations, Elks, American Legion, and Pioneers of Alaska.  He assumed the presidency of the Council of State Governments on January 2004 and represents the group on the SLSAC.

Brian Sandoval was sworn in as Nevada's Attorney General on January 6, 2003.  In 1998 he was appointed to serve on the Nevada Gaming Commission.  One year later, he was appointed as Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Policy Review Panel.  He also served two terms in the Nevada Legislature, where he sponsored fourteen bills that became law.  Attorney General Sandoval is a member of the Nevada State Boards of Pardons, Prisons, Examiners, Transportation, Domestic Violence and Private Investigators and the Board of Trustees for Children's Cabinet of Reno, Nevada, St. Jude's Ranch and Washoe County, Nevada Law Library.

Chuck Canterbury of South Carolina currently serves as the President of the Grand Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police, an organization representing more than 300,000 law enforcement professionals nation-wide.  He is a retired Major of the Horry County Police Department where his career of more than 25 years included service in the Patrol Division and the Criminal Investigations Division.  He also served as the Training Division Supervisor, during which he was certified as an instructor in basic law enforcement, firearms, chemical weapons, and pursuit driving.  

This page was last reviewed/modified on 03/30/04 00:00:00.