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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

Fact Sheet: Arizona Border Control Initiative

Release Date: 03/16/04 00:00:00


  1. Establish federal, state and local coordinated efforts to achieve operational control of the Arizona border and support of the Homeland Security priority mission of anti-terrorism, detection, arrest and deterrence of all cross-border illicit trafficking.
  2. Significantly impair the ability of the smuggling organizations to operate.
  3. Decrease the rate of violent crime and reduce the need for social services in southern Arizona.


  • 60 Additional U.S. Border Patrol Agents who are specially trained in search, rescue and remote tactical operations will be deployed temporarily to support the ABC Initiative.  These agents are able to deliver life-saving medical treatment in remote parts of the Arizona desert when necessary.
  • 200 experienced Border Patrol agents will be permanently assigned to Arizona this Summer bringing the Tucson Sector to more than 2000 agents.
  • Department of Interior will support and coordinate patrol activity on DOI entrusted lands which includes assigning a full-time coordinator to the ABC Initiative.


  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) will be used beginning in early June along the border.  Funding for this project comes from the FY '04 budget in Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate and is expected to cost $4 million.
  • CBP/Border Patrol has assigned four additional A-Star 350 helicopters to these efforts.
  • An additional $1 million is slated for new sensor technology to assist in surveillance and detection of illegal aliens.


Investments to ensure the safety and security of Arizonans as well as potential illegal aliens will take place through additional resources and communication channels.

  • ICE Detention and Removal officers will add resources to increase the capacity of detention space and removal assets.
  • Seven additional air-conditioned tents expected to house more than 300 illegal aliens will cost approximately $2 million.


This page was last reviewed/modified on 03/16/04 00:00:00.