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2004 P3 Projects

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Arizona State University - Main Campus SU831827 A Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Urban Water Management Can urban scale models help urban planners sustain urban water supplies?... [Read More] Photos
Brown University SU831863 Farm to College: Reducing Food Miles through Direct Purchasing This project is creating a system for direct purchasing between Brown University Dining Services and local farms... [Read More] Photos
California State University - Chico SU831882 Adoption of Alternative Energy Sources in Chico, CA: Facilitating an Action Plan The goal of this P3 project is to develop a strategy to generate solar power locally and facilitate a transition to solar power and other renewable energy sources in the Chico, Calif. area... [Read More] Photos
Colorado State University SU831884 Energy Management Innovation in the US Ski Industry This project is developing a model for energy management in ski areas that reduces the need for fossil fuels, lowers energy rates for ski areas and surrounding communities, and improves the quality of power for all local utility customers... [Read More] Photos
Colorado State University,Pennsylvania State University SU831856 Sustainable Housing at Pine Ridge Reservation This P3 team is working to develop regionally, culturally, and economically appropriate housing choices for the residents of Pine Ridge Reservation... [Read More] Photos
Cornell University SU831881 City in a Box: A New Paradigm for Sustainable Living P3 researchers designed a live-work environment for 50,000 people by using energy from renewable sources: wind, solar, and biomass... [Read More] Photos
East Carolina University SU831869 Greening Standards for Green Structures: Process and Products The goal of this project is to provide a mechanism to equip consumers with the means to encourage the homebuilding industry-designers, homebuilders, and retail suppliers-to use environmentally preferable products and processes in the design and construction of affordable homes... [Read More] Photos
Evergreen State College SU831857 The Evergreen Roof Project: Standards, Methods and Software for Evaluating Living Roof Systems This project is developing a Web site, www.evergreenroofs.com, for access to data on existing "living roof" systems. ...[Read More] Photos
Gonzaga University SU831834 Pathogen Reduction with Sustainable and Appropriate Technology for a Secondary School Sanitation Facility in Azové, Benin Designing Water treatment systems for schools in developing countries... [Read More] Photos
Harvard University SU831826 Civic Stormwater Gardens: An Ecological Solution for Cities with CSOs Can public accept civic storm water gardens as a means to purify runoff and reduce combined sewer overflow events in Lowell Massachussetts?... [Read More] Photos
Illinois Institute of Technology SU831811 Scrap Tire Recycling: Convincing Businesses to Integrate Inexpensive, Cutting-edge Technology to Convert Tires Into Various Construction Materials Using scrap tires to make low-cost construction material and polymer coatings... [Read More] Photos
Ithaca College SU831867 Multi-faceted Sustainability on Ithaca College Natural Lands This P3 project is developing a program for sustainable stewardship of South Hill, the natural areas south of the Ithaca College campus... [Read More] Photos
Lehigh University SU831820 Synthesis of a Polymeric Hybrid Ion Exchanger with Recovered Iron(III) Towards the Removal of Arsenic Can waste iron hydroxides be used to create an ion exchanger for arsenic removal from water supplies?... [Read More] Photos
Massachusetts Institute of Technology SU831821 Encouraging Toxic Use Reduction in Academic Laboratories Can research labs use less toxic chemicals?... [Read More]
Miami University - Oxford SU831822 Eco-Wall Systems: Using Recycled Material in the Design of Commercial Interior Wall Systems for Buildings Can recycled paper products be used as the primary material in commercial interior wall systems?... [Read More] Photos
Michigan Technological University, Southern University and A&M College SU831818 P3 Design Project for an Interdisciplinary Team of Graduate Students: Development of Appropriate, Sustainable Construction Materials Training engineers to use sustainable construction materials... [Read More] Photos
Middlebury College SU831893 Demonstrating the Feasibility of a Biofuel: Production and Use of Biodiesel from Waste Oil Feedstock and Bio-based Methanol at Middlebury College This project focused on the production of biodiesel from waste cooking oils and methanol derived... [Read More]  Photos
New Jersey Institute of Technology SU831815 P3 Design of a National Electronics Product Reuse and Recycling System Can home electronics be recycled like soda cans and bottles?... [Read More] Photos
New Mexico State University SU831887 Novel Ru-Ni-S Electrode Catalyst for PEMFC Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell” is the most promising fuel cell technology for automotive... [Read More] Photos
North Carolina State University SU831862 Low-cost Pheromone Traps and Insect-Resistant Varieties of Tomatillos: Sustainable Tools to Achieve Reduction in Pesticide Use and Diminish Damage by the Fruit-Feeding Caterpillar, Heliothis subflexa Guenee (Noctuidae) in the State of Jalisco, Mexico This team is researching, developing, and deploying tools that farmers can use to sustainably manage H. subflexa, a caterpillar that can damage fruit crops, including tomatillos... [Read More] Photos
Northern Arizona University, Prescott College SU831865 A Tool for Sustainability: Measuring Outcomes with Indicators of Ecosystem Health Researchers have developed a tool to assess, evaluate, and monitor rangeland health based on ecological and economic sustainability goals... [Read More] Photos
Oberlin College SU831897 Community-Scale Biodiesel: An Affordable, Renewable Resource Students designed and built a community-scale, processing facility for biodiesel that minimizes the environmental impacts of biodiesel production and makes... [Read More]
Oberlin College, Brown University SU831875 A Visual Feedback System for Improving the Environmental Performance of Buildings and Institutions Researchers designed and tested a relatively low-cost system that enables easy observation and interpretation of total energy and water consumption for individual dormitory floors or an entire college campus. ...[Read More] Photos
Ohio State University - Main Campus SU831898 Design of an Anaerobic Digester and Fuel Cell System for Energy Generation from Dairy Waste Researchers are designing, building, and testing a renewable system to generate electricity. The system uses a microbiological fuel cell... [Read More] Photos
Ohio State University - Main Campus SU831816 Developing an integrated biomass processing plan for Wayne and Stark Counties, Ohio Can biomass waste streams in Wayne and Stark Counties be used to create new products?... [Read More] Photos
Oregon State University SU831814 From Field to Fuel Tank: Exploring the Implementation of Biodiesel as a Sustainable Alternative to Petroleum Diesel in Oregon's Willamette Valley Can local agriculture support a change to biodiesel fuel in the Willamette Valley?... [Read More] Photos
Pennsylvania State University SU831885 Reduction of Use of Petroleum Energy Resources by Conversion of Waste Cooking Oils into Diesel Fuel (Phase I) This P3 project advanced the development of a renewable fuel made from used cooking oils... [Read More] Photos
Portland State University SU831876 From Brownfields to Green Streets - A Proposal to Develop a Multi-Agency Collaborative Decision-Making Process for Solving Small Scale Brownfield Urban Redevelopment Issues Teams of students are assisting property owners with elements of small-scale brownfield redevelopment, with supporting public participation... [Read More] Photos
Rochester Institute of Technology SU831889 Design and Development of a Low Cost, Multifunction, Regionally Appropriate Solar Oven for Developing Countries in Latin America The objective of this study is to design and develop a series of solar ovens that can be mass-produced at low cost... [Read More] Photos
Rochester Institute of Technology SU831888 Conversion of Wind Power to Hydrogen Fuel: Design of an Alternative Energy System for an Injection Molding Facility Researchers explored the technical, environmental, and financial feasibility of using wind-generated electricity... [Read More] Photos
Rutgers University SU831830 Engineered Stormwater Management for Low-Income Urban Communities Can storm water management solutions be engineered for low income urban communities?... [Read More] Photos
Santa Clara University SU831878 Smart Windows for Smart Buildings Roughly one-third of all energy consumed in the U.S. is used in the residential or commercial sector... [Read More] Photos
Tulane University of Louisiana SU831813 Improving Resource Recovery of Organic Waste to Alleviate Environmental and Economic Problems in a Depressed Urban Environment Using composting and waste-to-energy solutions to remove organic wastes from New Orleans East... [Read More] Photos
Tulane University of Louisiana SU831891 Renewable Energy for the RiverSphere Students designed a renewable energy system for the RiverSphere, an environmental education and research center... [Read More]  Photos
University of Arizona SU831828 University of Arizona Cross-border Water Technology Collaboration This project will evaluate the use of solar technology to produce diluted, purified groundwater from a source that has naturally high concentrations of arsenic... [Read More] Photos
University of California - Berkeley SU831853 Smart Growth: Infill Development Along a Multilane Transit Corridor This project will develop an "infill" plan for San Pablo Avenue on the eastern shore of the San Francisco Bay Area... [Read More] Photos
University of California - Berkeley,Rochester Institute of Technology,University of California - Davis SU831825 UV-Tube Design Concept for Sustainable, Point-of-Use Water Disinfection Can UV-tubes be used successfully in developing countries to treat drinking water at the point of use - the household tap or neighborhood well?... [Read More] Photos
University of California - Santa Barbara SU831823 Systems Approach to Recovery and Reuse of Organic Material Flows in Santa Barbara County to Extract Maximum Value and Eliminate Waste Can organic wastes be used to create new high-value products in Santa Barbara?... [Read More]
University of Cincinnati SU831817 Phosphorus Recovery from Sewage Can phosphorous be recovered from municipal sewage waste and used as a fertilizer additive?... [Read More] Photos
University of Cincinnati, Miami University - Oxford SU831824 Biotemplating of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for the Green Production of Photochemically Active Catalysts: Synthesis, Characterization, and Photocatalytic Evaluation Can plants be used to produce titanium dioxide nanoparticles?... [Read More] Photos
University of Colorado at Denver SU831883 Sustainable Energy Systems Design for a Tribal Village in India The objective of this P3 project is to sustainably meet the energy needs of Trishul, a tribal village in Maharashtra, India, by using locally available materials, integrating different renewable energy systems, and designing environmentally benign, and locally appropriate, energy-storage options... [Read More] Photos
University of Colorado at Denver,University of Colorado at Boulder SU831879 Beyond Green Buildings: An Integrated Holistic Design Approach The Urban Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering Program at the University of Colorado at Denver is designing a Sustainable Youth Zone (SYZ) building in a disadvantaged community in Commerce City, CO... [Read More] Photos
University of Colorado at Denver SU831810 Waste to Value: Incorporating Industrial Symbiosis for Sustainable Infrastructure Using industrial wastes as raw materials in various industrial processes... [Read More] Photos
University of Connecticut SU831896 Pollution Reduction and Resources Saving Through the Use of Waste Derived Gas for Fueling a High Temperature Fuel Cell Fuel cells are widely recognized to be ultra-clean, high-efficiency, energy conversion systems that can address... [Read More]  Photos
University of Maine - Machias SU831873 Fostering Sustainability: Designing a Green Science Building at a Small Maine College P3 students are planning the design and construction of a new, green, science building in Maine, focusing on reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions... [Read More] Photos
University of Maryland SU831864 Protecting Surface Water Quality Through Utilization of Industrial By-Products to Reduce Nutrient Transport in Sensitive Agriculture-Dominated Ecosystems This P3 project is studying whether various industrial and municipal by-products can help retain phosphorus, a fertilizer that can pollute rivers and streams, in agricultural soils... [Read More] Photos
University of Maryland - Baltimore County SU831880 Using An "Impervious Permit" Allowance System To Reduce Impervious Surface Coverage for Environmental Sustainability Current development dynamics and population projections suggest that further decentralized urbanization is likely to proceed into the near future, resulting in the continuing degradation of the physical environment... [Read More] Photos
University of Massachusetts - Amherst SU831833 Titanium Dioxide and Ultra-violet Light: A Sustainable and Inexpensive Solution for Addressing Drinking Water Quality Issues in the Developing Countries Can UV-A radiation and titanium dioxide be used to create an inexpensive and effective water treatment technology for removal of pathogens?... [Read More] Photos
University of Massachusetts - Lowell,Wentworth Institute of Technology SU831832 The Design of a Cost-Effective Titanium Dioxide Photo-Catalyst for the Removal of Arsenic in Drinking Water Can an effective and cost effective treatment device be developed for arsenic in drinking water?... [Read More] Photos
University of Massachusetts - Lowell,University of Massachusetts - Boston SU831894 Photocrosslinked Immobilization of Polyelectrolytes for Template Assisted Enzymatic Polymerization of Conjugated Polymers Growing demand in consumer electronics raises the need for efficient, affordable, environmentally benign and biodegradable substitutes... [Read More] Photos
University of Miami SU831854 Healthy and Energy-Efficient Housing in Hot and Humid Climates: A Model Design This project is developing an integrated approach for the design of cost-effective housing in hot, humid climates using water and energy conservation to ensure occupant health, sustainability, and reduce the impacts of building materials and the building itself on local and global environments... [Read More] Photos
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor SU831870 AWARE@home: Profitably Integrating Conservation into the American Home This P3 project developed an information gathering and reporting tool that will allow households to monitor their own resource consumption patterns in real time and on-demand, and to measure the costs and impacts of specific energy conservation actions... [Read More] Photos
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor SU831855 Sustainable Modular Panelized System: Reinventing the Building Industry This P3 team is rethinking conventional building practices and establishing a new system through which production waste can be reduced and sustainable and environmentally friendly products can be used in innovative ways... [Read More] Photos
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor SU831874 Lowertown: A Collaborative Effort in Sustainable Urban Redevelopment P3 students are designing a comprehensive master plan for the Lowertown neighborhood in Ann Arbor, Mich., an area that has been targeted ripe for urban redevelopment... [Read More] Photos
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor SU831868 AWARE: Facilitating Informed Consumer Purchasing Decisions through Point-of-Sale Access to Product Sustainability Information This project is designing an information system through which consumers can obtain and consider relevant environmental ramifications of the goods they purchase every day... [Read More] Photos
University of Missouri - Rolla SU831829 Ground water remediation powered with renewable energy Can renewable energy sources be used to power a ground water remediation technology... [Read More] Photos
University of Missouri - Rolla SU831852 Development and Modeling of Reactive Building Systems: Climate and Illumination Can sensors be used to improve climate control in passive solar homes?... [Read More] Photos
University of Nevada - Reno SU831899 Capstone Senior Design - Supramolecular Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells To assume a leading role in the burgeoning hydrogen economy, new infrastructure will be required for fuel cell manufacturing and research and development... [Read More] Photos
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SU831831 Comparative Analysis of Three Sustainable Point of Use Drinking Water Treatment Technologies for Developing Nations Are Point of Use water treatment technologies effective and affordable in developing countries?... [Read More] Photos
University of Texas at Austin SU831877 Zero Net Energy Homes Project P3 researchers designed, built, and tested a neighborhood of six houses with zero net energy needs... [Read More] Photos
University of Tulsa SU831866 Tar Creek Superfund Site Remediation: Combined Roles for Biomass, Poultry Litter, Fly Ash and Flu Gas Desulfurization Residues P3 researchers are promoting cost-effective clean-up methods to restore the value and productivity of the land at the Tar Creek Superfund site in northeastern Oklahoma... [Read More] Photos
University of Utah SU831892 Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production Prototype Most hydrogen gas is currently produced from nonsustainable sources by a process that emits greenhouse gas byproducts... [Read More]  Photos
University of Utah SU831890 The Wind Energy Research Program (WERP): Design and Construction of a Wind Turbine to Facilitate Education and Research in Sustainable Technologies Students are working to increase the viability of wind energy for developing nations by simplifying wind turbine design... [Read More] Photos
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay SU831858 Comprehensive Plan for a Sustainable Urban Watershed This project is designing and publishing a comprehensive sustainability plan for the Baird Creek watershed in Green Bay, Wisconsin... [Read More] Photos
Villanova University SU831895 Accurate Building Integrated Photovoltaic System (BIPV) Architectural Design Tool This project created a “user friendly” software package that be used to accurately design and predict... [Read More] Photos

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