BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Ghana Local time: 06:47 PM

International Company Profile (ICP)

Lady with a pile of books representing services


SME Company: $600 per company

SME New-to-Export Company using service for first time: $350

Large Company: $900

25 business days after receipt of confirmation of payment.

With International Company Profile (ICP), U.S. businesses can evaluate potential business partners in Ghana. The ICP is a detailed commercial report on a local company's background, and includes a site visit by our commercial specialist. Confidential. (Note: Verifiable information regarding a firm's financial status or credit history is not available.) Approved acceptance of the ICP request is required prior to initiation of payment.

Contact: Alex Atsu-Darko
Phone: 233 21 679 751-2
Fax: 233 21 679 756