Table 2v. New Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized Valuation for Regions, Divisions, and States (in thousands of dollars) November 2005 3 and 4 5 Units Total 1 Unit 2 Units Units or More United States 24847806 21436817 284556 330995 2795438 Northeast 2350667 1788435 85417 78981 397834 New England 724422 595544 15733 5930 107215 Connecticut 188030 140854 1933 1122 44121 Maine 91424 85522 1134 634 4134 Massachusetts 296471 231068 7889 3258 54256 New Hampshire 86801 80932 2247 413 3209 Rhode Island 25124 22359 1059 211 1495 Vermont 36575 34811 1471 293 0 Middle Atlantic 1626245 1192891 69684 73051 290619 New Jersey 378488 308499 26336 12214 31439 New York 659744 372618 30652 53027 203447 Pennsylvania 588014 511774 12697 7810 55733 Midwest 4618206 3923509 84245 93451 517001 East North Central 3085796 2665763 57523 67467 295043 Illinois 933491 763581 16684 26073 127153 Indiana 458545 427457 7882 2952 20254 Michigan 517377 440372 1847 7945 67213 Ohio 738846 657160 13339 20097 48250 Wisconsin 437536 377193 17770 10400 32173 West North Central 1532410 1257746 26722 25984 221958 Iowa 211716 176295 1638 4461 29322 Kansas 208922 187084 1265 3263 17310 Minnesota 569746 401396 5406 8249 154695 Missouri 336057 304069 13612 6724 11652 Nebraska 112840 109326 3045 0 469 North Dakota 28368 19954 954 605 6855 South Dakota 64760 59622 802 2680 1656 South 10928503 9816258 60760 74761 976724 South Atlantic 7181272 6354868 32124 55510 738770 Delaware 78820 65611 1249 446 11514 District of Columbia 455 455 0 0 0 Florida 3260801 2748414 8201 42662 461524 Georgia 1030824 972478 1966 1729 54651 Maryland 295293 278037 279 552 16425 North Carolina 1169124 1098765 7617 3829 58913 South Carolina 626629 526461 5430 2280 92458 Virginia 641592 590555 3892 3861 43284 West Virginia 77731 74091 3490 150 0 East South Central 1109080 1026071 9056 7975 65978 Alabama 331395 286975 166 399 43855 Kentucky 159205 147597 3511 862 7235 Mississippi 124950 121622 302 1025 2001 Tennessee 493529 469877 5077 5688 12887 West South Central 2638151 2435319 19580 11276 171976 Arkansas 141284 131731 2619 1754 5180 Louisiana 191300 182600 233 368 8099 Oklahoma 230756 180369 5985 1658 42744 Texas 2074810 1940618 10743 7496 115953 West 6950430 5908615 54134 83802 903879 Mountain 3163144 2927994 17792 37984 179374 Arizona 965179 939357 2214 5435 18173 Colorado 760158 735744 5107 6025 13282 Idaho 280615 272614 1727 3075 3199 Montana 63834 52020 3182 5089 3543 Nevada 521724 397346 1382 14155 108841 New Mexico 154534 145149 453 428 8504 Utah 379264 350529 3331 2943 22461 Wyoming 37832 35234 396 833 1369 Pacific 3787286 2980621 36342 45818 724505 Alaska 25930 18090 4797 1335 1708 California 2404914 1946354 15412 34482 408666 Hawaii 214113 94721 212 293 118887 Oregon 376136 332714 5463 4714 33245 Washington 766192 588742 10458 4993 161999