Table 2av. New Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized Valuation for Regions, Divisions, and States (in thousands of dollars) Annual 2001 3 and 4 5 Units Total 1 Unit 2 Units Units or More United States 196242858 170006114 2546082 2563026 21122461 Northeast 19637162 16613962 677266 418334 1923699 New England 6559274 5953640 98238 81270 426071 Connecticut 1440308 1339122 12842 10786 77548 Maine 776360 729931 9841 16262 20318 Massachusetts 2688748 2326713 51841 40197 269980 New Hampshire 950396 904892 9876 4591 31027 Rhode Island 306040 288596 7331 5323 4786 Vermont 397422 364386 6507 4111 22412 Middle Atlantic 13077888 10660322 579028 337064 1497628 New Jersey 3016685 2565966 143104 40007 263842 New York 5257031 3682764 399274 239301 935652 Pennsylvania 4804172 4411592 36650 57756 298134 Midwest 40951194 35843854 752367 716684 3637912 East North Central 29051294 25601983 497555 507219 2444315 Illinois 7141367 6114050 92145 151905 783211 Indiana 4876861 4494309 82317 41033 259163 Michigan 6085397 5483097 62417 70375 469447 Ohio 6452250 5855533 81123 142674 372887 Wisconsin 4495419 3654994 179553 101232 559607 West North Central 11899900 10241871 254812 209465 1193597 Iowa 1480259 1204746 37283 30764 207435 Kansas 1612466 1387048 57795 17429 150174 Minnesota 4576087 3974911 65498 85579 450053 Missouri 2750047 2386729 74558 57245 231482 Nebraska 834966 755406 11741 2843 64969 North Dakota 240815 181547 3854 9226 46181 South Dakota 405260 351484 4083 6379 43303 South 79446288 69076673 567522 793502 9008162 South Atlantic 51515552 44093369 379839 534065 6508024 Delaware 504014 480236 253 0 23523 District of Columbia 60367 15997 1106 576 42686 Florida 19465400 15596898 189165 387494 3291747 Georgia 9461766 8266079 40646 40636 1114362 Maryland 3228064 2928667 17133 6338 275911 North Carolina 9226070 8285743 72287 52045 815950 South Carolina 3469848 3105599 34934 24486 304804 Virginia 5715146 5048173 22314 19885 624752 West Virginia 384877 365977 2001 2605 14289 East South Central 8075067 7371009 67580 80462 555940 Alabama 1822964 1616474 10000 4309 192168 Kentucky 1817684 1688788 23589 29169 76112 Mississippi 894241 816949 2606 8709 65964 Tennessee 3540178 3248798 31385 38275 221696 West South Central 19855669 17612295 120103 178975 1944198 Arkansas 1019170 896392 19091 17401 86273 Louisiana 1597626 1472449 9303 9232 106635 Oklahoma 1477528 1284178 10348 8311 174681 Texas 15761345 13959276 81361 144031 1576609 West 56208214 48471625 548927 634506 6552688 Mountain 23608649 20662759 169929 226892 2548890 Arizona 7782865 7163359 32679 50548 536253 Colorado 6593250 5277088 69179 61243 1185685 Idaho 1448402 1339743 17134 17123 74377 Montana 266479 218343 12167 9777 26181 Nevada 3742085 3254472 5483 26706 455411 New Mexico 1186378 1142896 661 3534 39285 Utah 2312017 2012139 29949 56543 213343 Wyoming 277173 254719 2677 1418 18355 Pacific 32599565 27808866 378998 407614 4003798 Alaska 450421 319713 90791 12966 26943 California 23649970 20252774 149426 254995 2992620 Hawaii 812192 730888 12303 18286 50712 Oregon 2997980 2654989 51809 44558 246571 Washington 4689002 3850502 74669 76809 686952