U.S. Imports of Select Downstream Steel Products
Quantity in Metric Tons or Thousands of Units
Same Table - US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

Product Month
  JUN07 JUL07 AUG07 SEP07 OCT07 NOV07 DEC07 JAN08 FEB08 MAR08 APR08 MAY08 JUN08 JUL08 AUG08
Steel wire garment hangers (Thousands of Units) 277,129 307,526 261,197 228,995 243,325 226,827 283,814 287,004 210,801 230,642 193,377 282,538 246,994 270,117 193,244
Steel wire strand 29,538 40,152 22,741 24,152 28,618 22,789 21,314 27,436 24,155 31,284 29,102 33,767 36,666 32,991 36,552
Collated Steel Wire Nails 35,934 41,486 40,757 38,487 36,398 33,357 30,078 27,313 19,115 19,385 24,323 26,370 27,590 30,475 31,428
Steel springs 40,098 33,583 39,207 35,769 39,053 33,587 25,926 32,482 33,810 30,589 29,986 31,047 26,828 22,997 25,384
Bulk Steel Wire Nails 26,285 31,172 28,439 30,489 28,924 19,915 18,035 19,701 13,908 13,313 21,290 26,043 21,733 20,078 20,797
Non-Butt Weld Fittings & Flanges 14,892 17,869 16,017 14,809 15,408 17,149 16,351 14,705 16,010 15,002 15,486 15,332 14,896 15,532 15,582
Steel wire rope & cable 12,199 14,160 13,272 12,382 13,693 12,937 11,424 13,539 12,045 13,199 12,864 14,756 12,006 13,207 12,291
Cold-formed Shapes 6,382 4,798 6,244 6,716 9,182 6,744 6,200 6,596 8,238 6,048 8,620 6,974 6,172 7,720 5,943
Iron and Nonalloy Butt-weld Fittings 5,608 6,119 6,093 4,656 6,278 4,133 6,032 6,570 4,675 4,523 4,641 5,548 5,158 6,291 7,810
Other Steel Wire Nails and Staples 4,454 5,766 5,500 5,155 6,141 4,841 3,393 4,141 3,365 2,810 4,146 4,913 4,957 4,809 5,767
Barbed Wire 1,345 991.7 1,218 848.2 1,056 714.6 1,126 1,691 2,102 1,749 1,358 1,244 1,171 855.1 779.6
Alloy Butt-weld Fittings 250.0 258.7 311.0 103.7 390.0 263.4 188.5 69.41 178.6 113.1 420.4 189.1 92.56 270.3 235.1
Steel wire cloth, grill, netting and fencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: October 15, 2008, with
Census data collected through August 2008
Data listed in order of descending volume exported during last THREE months reported
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