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About Program Effectiveness

The objective of FMCSA’s Program Effectiveness research is to measure the effectiveness of three FMCSA Safety Programs: Roadside Inspections, Compliance Reviews, and Traffic Enforcement. Two models have been developed to help measure the effectiveness of these safety programs in preventing crashes and reducing the number of related injuries and fatalities.

Compliance Review Effectiveness Model

Estimates the beneficial impact of performing compliance reviews (CRs) by determining the reduction in the number of crashes and the resulting number of lives saved and injuries avoided.
     Compliance Review Effectiveness Model
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Updated version One Page Summary of Report   Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- Link to TXT Format
Updated version Technical Documentation   Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- Link to TXT Format
Full reports from prior years are available in the archives.

Intervention Model: Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement Effectiveness Assessment

Estimates the benefits of intervention activity (Roadside Inspections and Traffic Enforcement stops) by determining the reduction in the number of crashes and the resulting number of lives saved and injuries avoided.
       Intervention Model: Roadside Inspection
       and Traffic Enforcement Effectiveness Assessment
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Updated version  One Page Summary    Link to HTML Format Link to PDF Format --- Link to TXT Format
Updated version  Executive Summary    --- Link to PDF Format --- Link to TXT Format
Updated version  Technical Documentation    --- Link to PDF Format --- Link to TXT Format
Full reports from prior years, including the model methodology,
are available in the archives.

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