Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Part Two - Law Enforcement Escorts

Task #3: Plan enroute communications and vehicle positioning.

A. Discuss roles and responsibilities of everyone involved in the movement of this load (including drop-ins, bucket trucks, etc.).

The law enforcement escort should hold a Safety Briefing to discuss routing and special conditions of the permit(s) before the movement begins. The law enforcement escort should discuss roles and responsibilities of everyone involved in the movement. Occasionally, an oversize load may require a law enforcement escort for only part of a trip. For example, additional traffic control officers may be required at a specific intersection or location to assist temporarily. This may necessitate a “pick-up” on the move. If this is necessary, the law enforcement escort will “fall in” at a prearranged point and assist the load until no longer needed. This is done without benefit of a pre-trip meeting or any first-hand knowledge of the load, but still coordinated prior to movement.

B. Identify a lead contact for the entire escort.

All drivers involved in the oversize/overweight movement must agree on one lead contact person for the duration of the movement. The law enforcement escort should designate the lead contact for the movement. The lead contact is usually the lead pilot car escort.

C. Coordinate and test all communications equipment.

All communications equipment should be coordinated and tested.

D. Identify who will make notifications when necessary.

The pilot car escort is usually designated as the person responsible for making enroute notifications. The pilot car escort should notify all drivers after the notifications have been made. Likewise, the law enforcement escort should ensure all notifications have been made.

E. Discuss where vehicles will be located and when they will be there (including drop-ins, etc.)

The permit will mandate the number, type and positioning of escort vehicles. The law enforcement escort should review vehicle positioning. Included in the review should be a discussion of drop-in vehicles and others who might be involved in the movement but are not at the initial dispatch site.

SAFETY CONCERN: The law enforcement escort should designate everyone as a Safety Officer to stop the
movement of the load immediately if an unsafe condition is found.

CHANGE IN JURISDICTION: When there is a change in jurisdiction, repeat Tasks 2 and 3 at a safe and
appropriate location before the permitted movement continues.

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Office of Operations