Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Escort Checklist - Law Enforcement Escort: Best Practices Guidelines

1. Prepare for the escort.

  1. Obtain a copy of all permits.
  2. Verify the load is the size and weight stated in the permit.
  3. Review the route plan and ensure copies are distributed to all participants.
  4. Determine the number of law enforcement escorts needed based on the permit and jurisdictional requirements.
  5. Ensure a list of telephone contacts has been compiled (i.e., power companies, utility companies, railroad
    companies, tow truck companies, etc.) to accompany the escort and is distributed to all participants.
  6. Ensure a list of contact phone numbers for municipalities along the route has been compiled to call
    when appropriate and is distributed to all participants.
  7. Ensure a reliable means of communications is available.
  8. Ensure a plan for enroute assistance is established as called for in the permit.
  9. Ensure a contingency plan has been developed that includes safe stopping places and 24 hour
    emergency contact numbers.

2. Make the initial on-site contact.

  1. Introduce yourself to everyone involved.
  2. Perform an inspection of the transport vehicle(s) and driver(s).
  3. Check the pilot car driver(s) and escort vehicle(s) for required equipment and certifications.
  4. Review all permits to ensure they are appropriate for the load. Physically measure the load and ensure it
    matches the permit.
  5. Review the route plan and ensure copies are distributed to all participants.

3. Plan enroute communications and vehicle positioning.

  1. Discuss roles and responsibilities of everyone involved in the movement of this load (including drop-ins,
    bucket trucks, etc.).
  2. Identify a lead contact for the entire escort.
  3. Coordinate and test all communications equipment.
  4. Identify who will make notifications when necessary.
  5. Discuss where vehicles will be located and when they will be there (including drop-ins, etc.).

SAFETY CONCERN: Designate everyone as a Safety Officer to stop the movement of the load immediately if an unsafe condition is found.

CHANGE IN JURISDICTION: When there is a change in jurisdiction, repeat Steps 2 and 3 at a safe and
appropriate location before the permitted movement continues.

4. Safely escort the oversize/overweight movement.

  1. Monitor communications with all other vehicles in the convoy.
  2. Ensure the movement is proceeding lawfully at all times.
  3. Ensure all procedures and special conditions mandated by permit(s) are followed.
  4. Maintain and facilitate traffic control.
  5. Activate contingency plan if necessary, including safe stopping points.
  6. Monitor progress of the movement, paying attention to all time constraints.

5. Debrief and depart.

  1. Review movement with all participants, note areas of improvement, and then report all incidents to the
    motor carrier, pilot car company and permitting office.

For more information about the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, write, call, fax, or e-mail to:
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
1101 17th St., NW, Suite 803,
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-775-1623
Fax: 202-775-1624

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Office of Operations