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Design of Novel Petroleum Free Metalworking Fluids
Grant Number R831457
RFA: Technology for a Sustainable Environment (2003)

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  • Presentation (4)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources

    Clarens A, Hayes K, Skerlos S. Comparison of vegetable and petroleum base oils in metalworking fluids delivered in aqueous and carbon dioxide carriers. Presented at the 2005 National Technical and Career Conference, Dallas, TX, January 5-9, 2005.

    R831457 (2005)
    not available

    Clarens A, Hayes K, Skerlos S. Experimental comparison of vegetable and petroleum base oils in metalworking fluids using the tapping torque test. Presented at the Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Denver, CO, July 19-21, 2004.

    R831457 (2005)
    not available

    Clarens A. Performance testing of novel vegetable oil metal working fluids utilizing supercritical carbon dioxide vs. water as a carrier. Presented at the International Society of Industrial Ecology 2005 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 12-15, 2005.

    R831457 (2005)
    not available

    Clarens A, Hayes K, Skerlos S. Vegetable oil-in-supercritical carbon dioxide based metalworking fluids. Presented at the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors National Conference, Potsdam, NY, July 23-27, 2005.

    R831457 (2005)
    not available

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