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ITS Costs Database
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About This Site - ITS Costs Database

The Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) established the ITS Costs Database as a national resource for transportation professionals to go to in order to obtain cost estimates for ITS deployments. The purpose of the ITS Costs Database is to support informed decision-making by transportation leaders.

The ITS Costs Database contains estimates of ITS costs that can be used for developing project cost estimates during the planning process or preliminary design phase, and for policy studies and cost-benefit analyses. Both non-recurring (capital) and recurring (operating and maintenance) costs are provided where possible.

Two types of cost data are available: unit costs and system cost summaries. The primary difference in the two types is the level of aggregation. The costs database only offered unit costs data when it was first brought on line in September 1999; system cost summaries were added in September 2003.


In the continuing development of the ITS Costs Database, the ITS JPO periodically receives guidance from many ITS professionals representing various local, regional, state and federal transportation agencies; planning and research organizations; as well as private sector consulting firms. They represent a wide spectrum of ITS decision makers involved in the planning, design, management, operation, and evaluation of ITS throughout the nation. Their input has been crucial and invaluable in defining the user needs, knowledge content, and the Web site interface. We acknowledge and appreciate their guidance.

For more information, see the Help and FAQs pages or Contact Us.

Last Modified: 10/16/2007

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Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT)
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