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Commercial News USA

three cover shots of magazine editions

Commercial News USA is the official United States Department of Commerce showcase for American-made products and services.

The catalog-style magazine is designed to help American companies promote products and services to buyers in more than 176 countries--at a fraction of the cost of other advertising options. Each issue reaches an estimated 400,000 readers worldwide.

Advertising in Commercial News USA provides American companies with an unparalleled opportunity to market products and services around the world. Advertisers in Commercial News USA have the potential to increase export sales with a minimal investment.

Commercial News USA is distributed bi-monthly to readers outside the United States. The magazine, which is free, is mailed directly to qualified recipients and distributed by U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service personnel at U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide. Visit the Commercial News website for more information and a free copy of the current issue of the Commercial News USA magazine.