Office of Performance Improvement OPI-Related Downloadable Documents

Downloadable OPI related documents. <a href="/Portal/gsa/ep/">2007 FAIR Act Inventory Report ></a>

Downloadable Files
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  2007 Congressional Report PDF 2814k  
  Post Accountability Guidebook PDF 1810k  
  GSA 2004 647b Report Summary Sheets Excel 79k  
  GSA PCA Cost Tracking Model Template as of 11-8-07 Excel 486k  
  OMB Circular A-76, Revised May 29, 2003 Word 1164k  
  2006 FAIR Act Inventory Report Excel 646k  
  GSA 2006 FAIR Act Inventory - Parts A, C, D, and E Word 40k  
  GSA 2005 FAIR Act Inventory Excel 432k  
  GSA 2004 FAIR Act Inventory - Parts A, C, D, and E Word 33k  
  GSA 2004 FAIR Act Inventory - Part B Excel 14125k  
  GSA 2003 FAIR Act and IG Inventories Word 2899k  
  GSA 2002 Fair Act Inventory Word 2897k  
  GSA 2001 Fair Act Inventory PDF 100k  
  GSA 2001 Fair Act Inventory - Part B Excel 343k