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  Federal-State Joint Conference on Advanced Telecommunications Services

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Federal-State Joint Conference
on Advanced Telecommunications Services

Speeding Deployment of Advanced Services to All Americans

Federal and state regulators have joined forces to encourage the deployment of advanced telecommunications services to all Americans. Wherever you live, you will be sure to find items of interest here.


Commission Appoints Six New Members to Federal-State Joint Conference on Advanced Services.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Three New Members Appointed to Federal-State Joint Conference on Advanced Services.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Federal-State Joint Conference on Advanced Telecommunications Services. The Commission made appointments to the Federal-State Joint Conference on Advanced Telecommunications Services. (Dkt No. 99-294). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 02/08/2005 by ORDER. (FCC No. 05-25). CGB
Order: Word | Acrobat

Vacancies filled and the size of the Federal-State Joint Conference on Advanced Services has been increased. Word | Acrobat

Broadband Services In The United States: An Analysis of Availability and Demand
Prepared by the Florida Public Service Commission, Office of Market Monitoring and Strategic Analysis on Behalf of the Federal-State Joint Conference on Advanced Services.

About the Joint Conference

Formed in 1999, the Joint Conference pursues its mission to fulfill the promise of Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The Joint Conference shares ideas, gathers real-life stories from across the country, and assists the FCC in its reports to Congress on the deployment of advanced telecommunications services. Word | Acrobat

The Joint Conference is comprised of commissioners from state public utilities commissions and from the Federal Communications Commission.

Comments about this web site or about the Joint Conference can be sent to Kris Monteith at the FCC. (Kris.Monteit@fcc.gov)

last reviewed/updated on 05/30/2008 

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