9 May 2009

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Operational police support services


INTERPOL provides operational support to its National Central Bureaus and regional offices with the aim of enabling them to work as efficiently as possible. This support is centred on the Organization’s priority crime areas: fugitives, public safety and terrorism, drugs and organized crime, trafficking in human beings and financial and high-tech crime.

24-hour support

The Command and Co-ordination Centre(CCC) operates round the clock in all of INTERPOL’s four official languages (English, French, Spanish and Arabic) and serves as the first point of contact for any member country faced with a crisis situation.

The CCC staff monitors news channels and INTERPOL messages exchanged between member countries to ensure the full resources of the organization are ready and available whenever and wherever they may be needed.

INTERPOL First Crisis and Major Events Conference, October 2008:
a global police platform for sharing  information and best practices, and development of global and tailored regional programmes in the field of crisis and major events assistance and management.
Crisis response and major events

In the event of a disaster or major crime, INTERPOL Response Teams or Disaster Victim Identification teams composed of officers from the General Secretariat and member countries can be dispatched to the scene within hours of an event.

INTERPOL Major Event Support Teams can assist member countries with the implementation of security arrangements for high-profile conferences or sporting events.

International alert system

An important component of INTERPOL’s operational police support is the notice system, of which the Red notice for wanted persons is the most well known. In addition to the six colour-coded notices (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black and Orange), is the INTERPOL-United Nations Special Notice issued for groups or individuals who are the targets of UN sanctions against Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Analysing crime data

Criminal intelligence analysis is recognized by the law enforcement community as a valuable tool, helping to provide timely warning of threats and operational police activities. INTERPOL contributes to investigations by assisting officers working at the General Secretariat and in member countries with research and analysis on crime trends and with training courses in criminal analysis techniques.


Last modified on 7 Oct 2008 
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