5 November 2008

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Reference documents
IGEC-Group of Experts
The INTERPOL-UNODC Anti-Corruption Academy
Funding Goals and Fundraising
View more picturesThe Academy's Brochure
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Corruption related

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Anti Corruption Project TeamAnti Corruption Project Team

‘Working together towards a corruption-free world by promoting and defending integrity, justice and the rule of law’
Mission statement of the INTERPOL Anti-Corruption Academy

About Corruption

Corruption undermines political, social and economic stability. It threatens security and damages trust and public confidence in systems which affect people’s daily lives. Although corruption frequently occurs at local or national level, its consequences are global; its hidden costs immense.

Read more about the corruption phenomenon


INTERPOL and corruption

As the world’s largest international police organization, INTERPOL is taking its place at the forefront of the fight against corruption. Corruption is one of INTERPOL’s six priority crime areas.

Read more about INTERPOL’s role in fighting corruption


INTERPOL Group of Experts on Corruption (IGEC)

The INTERPOL Group of Experts on Corruption (IGEC) aims to develop and implement new initiatives to further law enforcement’s efficiency in the fight against corruption. It is a multi-disciplinary group with members from all regions of the world, coordinating and harmonizing different national and regional approaches.

Read more about the IGEC


The INTERPOL-UNODC Anti-Corruption Academy

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The INTERPOL-UNODC Anti-Corruption Academy will be the world’s first educational institute dedicated to fighting corruption. It will allow law enforcement professionals and other students to learn from the world’s foremost authorities in anti-corruption training, research and investigation.

Read more about the Academy



Details of law enforcement and agencies who are partners in the fight against corruption

List of international, regional and non-governmental agencies



Calendar of world events promoting the fight against corruption



Last modified on 20 Oct 2008 
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